Magnus broadheads


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I'm trying to decide which broadhead to shoot this year. It is between the Magnus Snuffer SS or the 4 blade Stinger both in 125gr. I have been shooting the G5 Montec for a few years and shot quite a few deer with them with good results but it bothers me that no matter how hard I try, I just cant get them razor sharp. I love the Montec design so I want to make the switch to the Snuffer SS but the 4 blade Stinger has caught my eye. It seems to me that the Snuffer would be the tougher of the two because of the solid steel construction. Plus, you can't beat the lifetime warranty!

Any opinions?

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I shoot the original Magnus 2 blades. I can't say enough about them!! I killed two dear last year and they sliced right through. I've never hunted hogs but I have a buddy who said that his magnus smashed right through the shoulder plate of his hog, and was still intact.

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I like the buzzcut except for the fact that you cannot sharpen the serrated edge or can you? How tough are the bleeder blades?

There really is no need to sharpen the serrations. I sharpen the full blade and they dang good holes. The serrations are more for the effect ripping everything to leave a bigger hole anyway.

I have only broke a couple of bleeder blades and I've put these heads thru at least 6 deer

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I shoot both Stinger and Buzzcuts, but prefer the buzzcuts, more so for the way they look. Sharpest dang heads I aver laid hands on. My practice head, when I first shot it into my target, after about 6-7 shots, would STILL shave hair. Bleeder blades are tough as well. But why sharpen them? They have a lifetime warranty on them. Shoot them into deer, dirt, target, no matter what, you send them to Magnus, they send you new ones to replace them. It doesn't get any better than that IMO. And they also have AWESOME customer service, and their R&D department is really really good as well. I'll never shoot another head

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I shoot both Stinger and Buzzcuts, but prefer the buzzcuts, more so for the way they look. Sharpest dang heads I aver laid hands on. My practice head, when I first shot it into my target, after about 6-7 shots, would STILL shave hair. Bleeder blades are tough as well. But why sharpen them? They have a lifetime warranty on them. Shoot them into deer, dirt, target, no matter what, you send them to Magnus, they send you new ones to replace them. It doesn't get any better than that IMO. And they also have AWESOME customer service, and their R&D department is really really good as well. I'll never shoot another head

do you shoot 2 or 4 blade buzzcuts?

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I'm trying to decide which broadhead to shoot this year. It is between the Magnus Snuffer SS or the 4 blade Stinger both in 125gr. I have been shooting the G5 Montec for a few years and shot quite a few deer with them with good results but it bothers me that no matter how hard I try, I just cant get them razor sharp. I love the Montec design so I want to make the switch to the Snuffer SS but the 4 blade Stinger has caught my eye. It seems to me that the Snuffer would be the tougher of the two because of the solid steel construction. Plus, you can't beat the lifetime warranty!

Any opinions?

I'm not trying to stear you away from the Magnus, I have heard nothing but great things about them and they do have a lifetime warranty. If you like G5 enough to stay with them, look at the Striker or Magnum Striker. I don't think you'll be disappointed.

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