Good all around rifle


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Well i am going to be feeding my uncles calves for a week and he said for my labor he would buy me a new rifle. I want to get a bolt action gun, but I want to use it for whitetails, coyotes, fox, bobcats, stuff like that, i also dont want the ammo to be to high either, because i shoot alot. What would you guys recommend? Thanks.

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There are lots of guns that would do the job. If your not worried about tearing up the hides on the coyote, fox, and bobcat that is. I would suggest .243, .25-06, .270, .308, or .30-06. These are all popular calibers so ammo wont be hard to find or more expensive, and they will handle all the animals you stated.

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If you want a good all around rifle you have several choices. Same thing goes with the ammo. I would recommend looking at .270, .308, 30-06, or a 300savage, all of them are pretty good all rounds, and you shouldn't have much trouble with buying or reloading ammo.

My personal choice is the 30-06. i've hunted everything from moose (shooting a 180 partion bullet) down to "yotes (with a 92 gr bt) and it seems to do the job as good today as it did 30 years ago when i got it brand new. jmho, you can't go wrong with an '06. mine is an old savage 110 and it's seen it's share of the trail. Would post some pics of the old thing, but haven't figured out how to post pics yet or to keep the camera from breaking cause it's so darn ugly now, lol.

Anyway good luck and choose wisely, shoot safe and above all, HAVE FUN!!!

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second that motion...

There are lots of guns that would do the job. If your not worried about tearing up the hides on the coyote, fox, and bobcat that is. I would suggest .243, .25-06, .270, .308, or .30-06. These are all popular calibers so ammo wont be hard to find or more expensive, and they will handle all the animals you stated.

I secoond the motion. My choice here, if I had to pick ONE, would be the .243. I have a .243 that I use for coyotes. My wife uses it for deer hunting. There is a wide variety of ammo for this gun. I use Hornday's 58gr. customs for dogs, she uses 100 gr. customs for deer. It kills a deer just as good as it kills a dog-just use the right load and make sure it's sighted for that load before going out. She's killed 2 bucks and a hog with it and it all went down just as well as if my .270 had done the work. This is a very flat-shooting long-distance rifle. I set mine up for dogs at about 1" high at 100 yards. Most every shot around here for that gun is point-and-shoot.

Edited by treeinwalker
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I also shoot a Remington 700 in 30-06. I love it, plenty of knock down for anything in north america and a wide variety of bullets to choose from. I mostly hunt deer and black bears with mine and the occasional coyote will also fall victim to it. However if you dont intend to hunt bear or any big game larger than deer I would probobly suggest the 270 just because it is an awsome deer round and Im sure will do a number on the biggest of hawgs. If I didnt hunt bear in my area I would most likely be shooting a 270 instead of a 30-06. I just prefer the extra knock down of the 180grain pill I shoot from my 30-06. My suggestion is the 270 if you dont intend to hunt anything larger than deer. The 270 is an awsome round as far as that goes and will knock any coyote, bobcat, or fox, in the dirt without a problem. As far as make and model, you cant go wrong with the Remington 700. Great guns, mine is old as the hills and still shooting just as good as if it had just came out of the box if not better due to practice and more practice because it is a comfortable gun to shoot.. Just my suggestion from what I have shot before.. I have owned and used both and am sure you will be completely satisfied with either one of those two calibers.. Good luck with your choice and good hunting..

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Well, I can help you out with that question. There are many Pros and Cons about a 25-06. First of all I wanna say that I am a diehard 25-06 shooter. A few Pros of the 25-06 are that it can shoot out to 1,000 yards, It is very reliable for all of the animals you are planning to shoot. It is a VERY fast bullet. It shoots 3200 FPS to 3700 FPS. A few Cons of this caliber is that it had very high price on the ammo and Remington and most other bullet manufactures dont make much of 25-06 ammo. For those animals i would go with a 100 grain bullet which cost around (in Illinois) $20-$27!:eek: Well, I hope you go with the 25-06 since its a very versatile bullet. I would also go with the Remington 700 Mountain Gun since its very light.

Edited by ruger.25-06
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