And to help lighten the mood


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Re: And to help lighten the mood


yeh can't put his last name "girl" with it...sheeeeeesh

buckee, I just got off the phone with a Canadian archer named Dietmar Trillus...he is awesome and was giving me recommendations on some stabilizers....anywho his last words were, "give me a call anytime eh" I about busted out laughing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grin.gifgrin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

your not makin fun of us canadians eh?? shocked.gifwink.gifgrin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif just jokin eh! wink.gif

There are not many things i can complain about this forum. one is the laughs you get, and the joking around you can do always makes it interesting eh. grin.gif but in general, everyone here are great people and great friends smile.gif eh? wink.gifgrin.gif

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Re: And to help lighten the mood

One thing I do find minor enjoyment out of is reading the first post of a thread and then the last post....just to see how far off track some of the morons in here get. grin.gif

For instance, the first post of this thread talks about happiness, and 2000 post the time I get to the last post J.B is yacking about rhino's, apple's and puking. crazy.giftongue.gif

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Re: And to help lighten the mood

Well I will try an answer the post sincerely .....

I can be in the worst mood ever and come in here and either I read a post of someone elses troubles and realize I don't have it that bad. Or.... I can be reading post about things like the martin #$%% and just start laughing because of some of the comments.

But I also love the fact that I have met some others from this forum who share the same passion as I do ..... hunting.

Tear sniffle tear sniffle .......

Man I love you guys !!!!!!! (oh and gals)


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