what do u wear


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Guest Squirrelbuster

Re: what do u wear

For deer season I wear a Blaze orange jacket and splotched blaze orange bibs when it is cold during gun season. During Bow season I wear Mossy Oak button up shirt or a pull over Northwest Outfitters shirt with Mossy Oak Cargo pants. During turkey season I wear the same thing as I do during Bow season.

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Re: what do u wear

For rifle deer season I wear the old Woolrich back/tan outfit if it's really cold.If it's milder,I'll wear camo jeans(RT,of course)and a jacket with a blaze orange vest and hat.Archery season,I mostly wear RT Hardwoods 3-D camo.Turkey season,RT camo-the same as I use for deer.

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Re: what do u wear

Realtree and Advantage only. grin.gif

Most of the time I wear Hardwoods HD. I also have a lot of Hardwoods Green HD and Timber. I plan on getting some Max-4 HD too. Depends on the time of year and where I'm at. But, as far as clothing brand, it's mostly Whitewater/Spartan.

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Re: what do u wear


what kind of Camo?

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I wear Mossy O...oh...what site is this? Oops! Excuse me... I wear RealTree Hardwood. grin.gif

I'm only kidding. Seriously though...I'm an RT guy all the way. Hat, mask, jacket, shirt, overalls, boots, socks, gloves, waist pack, backpack, and I'm working on how to do the RT pattern with my face paint.


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Re: what do u wear

I tend to mix it up a bit. I use RealTree hardwoods or advantage, Mossy Oak, Seclusion and others in about every combination imaginable during turkey and acrhery deer/elk season. During rifle season, depending on the weather, it is usually khaki or wool pants and a light flannel sweater topped by a wool sweater if cold enough with a blaze orange vest over top.

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Re: what do u wear



what kind of Camo?

[/ QUOTE ]

I wear Mossy O...oh...what site is this? Oops! Excuse me... I wear RealTree Hardwood. grin.gif

I'm only kidding. Seriously though...I'm an RT guy all the way. Hat, mask, jacket, shirt, overalls, boots, socks, gloves, waist pack, backpack, and I'm working on how to do the RT pattern with my face paint.


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How did you get that deer to ever give you the pic it took of you????!!!!??? confused.gifshocked.giftongue.gifwink.gifgrin.gif

Ya look good up there Harv.

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Guest MissouriHunter

Re: what do u wear

For gun season i wear Mossey Oak bibs and a mossey oak coat. During bow season and turkey season I wear reaktree hd green which should i say is the best camo out there

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