I just lost dinner....


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Thanks Lewis. Let me fill you guys in. I have always been really interested in what Lewis does for a living--Lobster Fisherman. He was kind enough to make me a "homemade" documentary on his lobster boat. He takes off at about 3am to go out to sea. Within 5 minutes of watching the tape--up comes dinner---I rush to the medicine cabinet and pop a couple dramamine so calm the nause--when all of a sudden this huge waves hits the boat--oops there goes lunch.

The lobsters are huge. Lewis, my girls loved the part where you put rubber bands on the claws. She expecially liked the huge one that was missing one of its claws.

Thanks for the tape my friend. I think I better go replenish my empty stomach now grin.gifgrin.gif


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Re: I just lost dinner....

When I saw that boat rocking up and down--I was thinking--where are those guys life jackets??? i don't think they wear them. those boys are just walking around on that boat--water splashing everywhere.

Lewis---you are one tough dude man---for a Canadian anyway.

Oh yea--you kind of have a funny accent also grin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: I just lost dinner....


I have known Justin since he was a little boy shaun, we live about 12 miles from each other.

any time you want to go out for a day, you are more than welcome, all you have to do is get here wink.gif

actually, last spring I took a guy ( that I met here ) and his brother out with us for the day. They had a blast cool.gif

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I would love to go out someday. if i am ever going to be out east, i'll let ya know. it would be really fun to get out there. i fish all the time, but just on the lake wink.gif i would love to go out on the ocean sometime. smile.gif

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Re: I just lost dinner....

I still have some of the pictures he sent me a while back. his boat doesn't look very big for some of the waves that are out there. Some BIG lobsters though! And they look good eaten. Looks like a very dangerous job that I wouldn't ever want to do. Heck i get nervous going over big waves when fishing in a boat.

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