Bowhunter's Hunting Pack


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I got one from KMart in Realtree APG for $5 on sale. It's just a regular sized backpack like your son or daughter would take to school. It's made by Fieldline, if I remembered it right. Usually try to carry stuff like a rattle bag instead to fit all of it in a smaller (more like a waist belt) or my pockets. If you carry in a climber on your back, like I sometimes do, a full size pack is hard to manage.

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I needed a new pack last year so I bought this 2 in 1 pack. Not the cheapest but it works great for me as a dual purpose pack.

When I need the extra space for all day hunts or just carrying extra gear such as a rainsuit or whatever, I attach the top pack. When I don't need the extra space, I just use the fanny pack part. I also bought the optional buddy lok attachments for a camera/range finder (holds both in separate zippered pockets) and my radio.

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I sunk a little money into mine last year, I got tired of buying those Wally World back packs every hunting season because of them ripping or breaking somewhere. Camelbak back packs are what the military uses and are very durable, so far I have been very impressed with it.

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I use a Kelty Targhee 900 fanny pack for day trips. It holds a small stove, 80 ounces of water, dehyrated food, snacks, knife , rope, socks and small stuff. My jacket goes on top of it when it's too warm to wear it. Rattling antlers go on the back. Had it for about ten years now and it shows little wear. I like it because a backpack interferes with my shooting when I'm sliphunting.


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I got one from KMart in Realtree APG for $5 on sale. It's just a regular sized backpack like your son or daughter would take to school. .

LOL! That's how I got my last pack. I went there during the back to school sales. I said hey, it's a pack, and they gave me the discount.

Unfortunately that one wore out after 4-5 years. I got a Badlands pack for Christmas and I cannot wait to try it out.

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Lol add me to the list of wal-mart fieldlines. For as cheap as they were, ive been very happy with mine. I used to take just a little waist pouch type thing, but once i got used to the switch..i couldn't be happier. Mathews made one a few years ago that are almost impossible to find anymore. It was a full size back pack that also held your bow..pretty neat deal.

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I use a Wal-mart fanny pack with those clips for extra bags or water. I used to pack in everything I could carry, I now carry as little as possible. I also wear BDU style overalls and carry a lot of stuff in the pockets. Sometimes I don't even take the pack and just use my BDU pockets. I can get my gloves, mask and a bottle of water in one side and two calls, a rattle bag, a bottle of tinks with a rag and small spray bottle of HS scent in the other side. In the top part of my overalls I can fit a knife, my cell phone, GPS, and all the little things. When I do wear the fanny pack I put it on my backside to lift up my climber off my back. It helps keep it from bouncing and making noise while I'm walking.

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