.19 Pins VS .29 Pins


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Re: .19 Pins VS .29 Pins

depending on your age and how good your eyes are will tel you usually if your able to use one better than the other. i use the oriinal sidewinder and it has the ,029 pins nd it works great for me. the new radiant sidewinder is with .019 pins and with the over 2 ft of fiber in the colum i can see the .019 really well but i know the .029's are the ones i should use. if you are looking for a new sight then take a look at the cobra sidewinder lx or the radiant lx. they will definately fit your many needs. also i got rid fo the peep sight and went to the peep eliminator and i can see everythign so much clearer not having to look thru my string and no matter how big the peep is at low light it get's hard to see thru the peep and the peep eliminator gives me great clearance and light gathering. the pins are fine up til amost completely dark but the peep will ruin you

rob k

rob k

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Re: .19 Pins VS .29 Pins


I read in T Bone's Bow Talk

T Bone only uses a 30 yrd. pin........ today's bow are so fastttttt........makes sence..

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I do not need a new sight nor am I concerned about what T-Bone uses either...although he is a heck of a guy.

What I am asking is WHAT SIZE PINS everybody uses and why. I used to use the 029 pins but when I bought my TR about a year and a half ago, I bought the one with the 019 pins. They have seemed to work really well for me. Well, I bought a Copper John they only had to sight with the .029 pins. I am thinking about buying seperate .019 pins for it.

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Re: .19 Pins VS .29 Pins



I read in T Bone's Bow Talk

T Bone only uses a 30 yrd. pin........ today's bow are so fastttttt........makes sence..

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I do not need a new sight nor am I concerned about what T-Bone uses either...although he is a heck of a guy.

What I am asking is WHAT SIZE PINS everybody uses and why.

Sorry there treestandbowhunter........didn't mean to ruffle your feathers ooo.gif .... Just pointing out that maybe you could try just using one pin!

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Re: .19 Pins VS .29 Pins

Ok, but using one pin and asking what shooters perfer either 019/.029 pins have nothing to do with each other, thats all I am saying. My feathers aren't ruffled...I am always this way grin.gif Sorry if I sound ruffled because I am not. Anyhow, I tried the one pin a long time ago and did not like it. I like having options and am very successful at it. But that is a different topic though.

I think I am just going to stick to my .019 pins. They seemed to work for me ande never had any problems as far as seeing when the light is not in your favor. Plus I use a sight light anyway.

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Re: .19 Pins VS .29 Pins

Its my understanding that the smaller .19 is for spot shooting of small targets during compitition. Where the larger pin would obscure the spot at certain ranges.

The .29 or larger are designed more for light gathering capabilities and used on larger targets and at close range.

Hense during hunting.


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Re: .19 Pins VS .29 Pins

I have the .019 pins on my Spot hogg and for me the smaller pin greatly improved my shooting. The .019 allows me to "pick a hair" and shoot it. The .029 was too bulky and limited me to just place an arrow "in the area". .019" for me!

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Re: .19 Pins VS .29 Pins


Its my understanding that the smaller .19 is for spot shooting of small targets during compitition. Where the larger pin would obscure the spot at certain ranges.

The .29 or larger are designed more for light gathering capabilities and used on larger targets and at close range.

Hense during hunting.


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So if I decided to use my bow for turkey, the smaller pins would work better? I too will be buying a new sight shortly. But the TR have a sight light you can use if it gets that bad dont they?

TSBH and I must be thinking the same here. Because I been watching this thread for a few days now! wink.gif

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Re: .19 Pins VS .29 Pins

the size of your pin on your sight has nothing to do with accuracy .. not one thing at all.. a .019 is just as accurate as a .040 or a .060...most of you will realize this when you turn 40 or so.. grin.gif

the only thing the size of the pin matters is how well you can see it.. now with the use of lights on sights its easier for me to see a .019 . but i prefer a .040 for hunting and a .040 for 3D , Indoor target and field archery...simply because i can see them better...

a lot of you will realize that a bigger pin seems to moves less and if it moves less than it makes you think your holding steadier than you really are.. then you can execute a good shot..it just seems to calm me down when the pin is moving less...

for example i shot .040 pins for hunting... i also used a .040 pin for field shooting tournys...which we shoot out to 80 yds...it was a lot easier to see and just as accurate...

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Re: .19 Pins VS .29 Pins


the size of your pin on your sight has nothing to do with accuracy .. not one thing at all.. a .019 is just as accurate as a .040 or a .060...most of you will realize this when you turn 40 or so.. grin.gif

the only thing the size of the pin matters is how well you can see it.. now with the use of lights on sights its easier for me to see a .019 . but i prefer a .040 for hunting and a .040 for 3D , Indoor target and field archery...simply because i can see them better...

a lot of you will realize that a bigger pin seems to moves less and if it moves less than it makes you think your holding steadier than you really are.. then you can execute a good shot..it just seems to calm me down when the pin is moving less...

for example i shot .040 pins for hunting... i also used a .040 pin for field shooting tournys...which we shoot out to 80 yds...it was a lot easier to see and just as accurate...

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I respectfully disagree Tony. Unless it is just a head thing for me grin.gif

I always shot .29 pins. When I got that new sight last year, I switched the .29 pins out for the .19 pins and I was definatley more accurate. My Wife, when I started her out shooting a bow last year, she too had .29 pins. After a while, I switched hers out with .19 pins and she too became more accurate. Seeing them was never an issue for me, plus I always use a light if needed. My groups were alot better and my shots were more centered. Aim small, miss small.

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Guest MarylandQDMA

Re: .19 Pins VS .29 Pins

.19 pins here. I like them because they don't obscure (sp) the target as much as the .29 pins.

that is one of my bigest petpeves, is obsucreing the target. I like to shoot at a target that is the size of a quarter at 30 yards (or less). I never found it a problem in the woods either.

I would love to see some one come out with a smaller pin.

my buddy shoots a .29 but amter seeing mine, he is going with the .19's. he likes the fact that is covers less of the target as well.


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Re: .19 Pins VS .29 Pins

definately a head thing guys.. but lets face it if you like a certain size pin and shoot well with it then use it by all means.. i guess i should have worded my first responce a little better..

they do make a smaller pin its a.011.. but i think they are only available for target shooters...


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Re: .19 Pins VS .29 Pins



the size of your pin on your sight has nothing to do with accuracy .. not one thing at all.. a .019 is just as accurate as a .040 or a .060...most of you will realize this when you turn 40 or so.. grin.gif

the only thing the size of the pin matters is how well you can see it.. now with the use of lights on sights its easier for me to see a .019 . but i prefer a .040 for hunting and a .040 for 3D , Indoor target and field archery...simply because i can see them better...

a lot of you will realize that a bigger pin seems to moves less and if it moves less than it makes you think your holding steadier than you really are.. then you can execute a good shot..it just seems to calm me down when the pin is moving less...

for example i shot .040 pins for hunting... i also used a .040 pin for field shooting tournys...which we shoot out to 80 yds...it was a lot easier to see and just as accurate...

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I respectfully disagree Tony. Unless it is just a head thing for me grin.gif

I always shot .29 pins. When I got that new sight last year, I switched the .29 pins out for the .19 pins and I was definatley more accurate. My Wife, when I started her out shooting a bow last year, she too had .29 pins. After a while, I switched hers out with .19 pins and she too became more accurate. Seeing them was never an issue for me, plus I always use a light if needed. My groups were alot better and my shots were more centered. Aim small, miss small.

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Then why ask? grin.gif

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