Dads coming home/terrible day.....


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Well today was about the worst day I've had since I turned 18. Got to work and first thing I have this Ahole foreman literally get in my face and start chewing me out because two welds of his weren't shot lastnight and we were running him behind.....which he wasn't even close to behind......and blah blah blah. I tried explaining to him that we are covering alot of crews and he would just have to be patient and we would get him as soon as we could. He then proceeded to threaten me with my job and all this crap and bowed up at me. Good thing is this loser can't run me off, and lucky for me I kept my cool and just walked away. Called my sup....and he backed me up thankfully.

Had to crawl inside a pipe 3 joints (240 feet) to shoot a weld and ran outta oxygen. Dang near blacked out before I got outta there.

Ended up having to work 15 hours today and we had more BS stuff happen at work......none worth explaining. It involved getting screwed over by another lazy tech who told us he couldn't help us cause he had to go cover another crew, yet he was magically at his hotel???

I get in my truck to head home.....semi shoots a rock and cracks my windshield.

I get home and my neighbor welder comes and tells me my waterline to my RV blew. Had to go to Wal Mart and get a new one. Did I mention I just bought the hose on Saturday?

I got it fixed and waited an hour for my hot water to heat up yet still ended up taking a cold shower.

On top of that I get back and realize it's hot as heck in my RV and my power was off. Some dipstick unplugged my main power line????

Stressed is an understatement.

BUT on a much better note, I just got off the phone with dad and he's been cleared to return to home on Saturday. He is doing so much better he is pretty much 100% normal! He/We are so lucky! Thanks for all your support and prayers folks. It meant alot to me and my family.

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as suglarland says sh-t happens,:clown: glad you kept your cool and your boss backed you up, there always tomorrow hope things work out better for you, for your wind shield did you get his tag # some times there ins will cover road hazards,

real glad to hear your dads doing great and is home again,

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I heard about it first thing this morning. I stay as far away as possible on pressure ups and hot line dig ups for that very reason. 5 days ago we had a set of internal clamps bust and shot down the line....came out the other end and hit a boom so hard it knocked it's track off. Two weeks before I got here a operator was killed when a mat slipped off the hoe hooks and crushed him and just 2 days ago we had a teamster die on the right of way from a heart attack. Been a bad week for pipeliners.

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Kyle don't they do "confined space entry's" to prevent the......almost ran out of oxygen thing. This was a warning that needs to be heeded!!!!!!!!!!

You alway's have to remember to look out for number 1 at all times, and if something is not safe tell them to cram it up their ars if it could put you in harms way. No court in the nation would uphold a poor decision on their part!

But glad to hear your dad is coming home. Take care of yourself at work my friend.


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