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What color flashlight do you guys use to get to your stand? I've always used green or white ( I just hold my hand over the light to narrow the beam to almost nothing.) I do have a new light with a blue lens on it. Will blue light spook deer?

Don't usually use the light walking to and from my stands unless I am going through the really thick stuff. Pretty much do the same as you when I do though, hold my hand over the beam to narrow it. Use a mini mag with the led conversion, so guess you would call it a blueish/white light.

Don't know that the light alone would spook the deer, but drawing attention to yourself it is likely that they can see you even though you cannot see them.

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i just use my mag light to get to my stand. if the deer are going to run they are going to run. i turn it out for the climb and just feel for my stuff in my pouch. i no longer have to walk through a cow field with a bull so i am switching from the 2 cell c to the c cell AA. Usually if you run some deer off they still circle back later. I have seen deer sniff where i walked in and come in from another angle where they couldn's smell me. they are smart....sometimes.

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my mom got me a single led green light keychain. It was 6 bucks and clips onto my fanny pack. If I am hunting in a familiar area, it's just enough light to illuminate the ground in front of my feet and show me the steps on my stand as well as assist with light to get my safety harness set up without lighting up the woods. If I am hunting unfamiliar territory I have a smith and wesson green led flashlight that I paid 15 bucks for at academey sports.

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I dont use one. I wait till there's enough light to see my way in. I see my biggest deer from 9 am till noon (though I'm as bad as the next guy for not hunting that time more often).

I'll second that. I usually see my morning deer coming back from other locations were they've been bunped out or know they're about to be bumped out, back to my honey hole (where it's safe-hehehehehe) between 8:00 & 10:00. Usually, all the guys who hunt around me are heading out for breakfast and don't even realize that they have bumped deer or patterned them to expect to get bumped. I sit 'til 11:30-12:00 unless I keep seeing deer, then I don't get up at all. However, I do go in before dark. I don't use the light if it's somewhere where I can see, but that's almost never the case as I try to stay in as much cover as possible even in the dark. I cup the light and keep it down at the ground. I don't use the hat-mounted light because it winds up pointed everywhere I'm looking and it's too easy to forget after you get into the stand. Hat lights are nice for keeping your hands free to climb up, but I'm usually using a portable, so I don't need a lot of light to get up the tree anyway. Use as little light as possible!

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I don't usually use a flashlight going to and from my stand except when I'm well away from my stand and that's mainly after dark walking out. On the few occasions when I use a flashlight, I stick with my browning light that clips on my hat. It has a low intensity red light for walking out/in and white LED lights for when I'm organizing my gear at my truck or cart.

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