Rage Slip Cam Broadheads


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Does anyone shoot the rage slip cam broad heads? If you do what do you think of them? I have been shooting Muzzy 100 gr 3 blade for years but seriously thinking about switching to the rage slip cam 3 blade broad heads for my Antelope Hunt in September. The last time I Antelope hunted I used the Rocket Steel Head broadhead and it preformed very well but I do like what I have read about the Rage. Just wanted to get some opinions and I know there are a few on here.:)

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i love em...i dont think i'll be switching anytime soon..blood trail is AMAZING...entrance and exit holes are huge. Great broadhead incase you dont make that perfect shot!! i shot muzzys for a long time and dont really have any complaints but i much rather the rage....only downfall is that they open in your quiver a lot!

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i have both the rage 2 blade and the 3 blade muzzy, i realy like them both, i just want some one to tell me some thing about the rage i shot 2 deer with them last year, one the deer didnt go far but the other was last, the one that didnt go for made a good hit but when i retreved the arrow, the blades were broke off, the other one the broad head broke off the tip of the shaft, did i just get a bad set of heads or can you tell my why it happened.

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the energy you loose to open them and the drag they have once they open

They don't take to much to open and wouldn't really see any more "drag" when they're open compared to any other broadhead. I've shot a few deer with the Rage heads and got pass throughs...this with an 9 year old Martin bow that was prob. shooting around 230 fps.

As for durability...guess it depends on what the arrow hits after going through the deer. I had one Rage head that was like new after pass through...and had others that the tip bent. Never had any broken blades though?

They aren't the cheapest heads out there and you hate to break/bend any...but my thoughts are this...if they do the job and I recover the deer...they are cheap in comparison!

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I used to shoot Rage 2 Blades and shot a few does an a dandy buck with them. Great preformance on the animals,that is If you take the time to make sure they stay closed. The 2 Blades are terrrible for opening in the quiver,or when bumped,or any little thing basically. I hate always having to check to make sure my blades are closed.

Maybe Rage should save a little of the money they are paying hunting celebs to shoot thim,and put more into R&D.

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After friends and I lost deer with well placed, I started looking around at different broadheads. I began hunting with the Rage last year.I shot two deer and a hog,and none of them went over 20 yards. The hog did bend my blades,but a 300 lb hog will bend a lot of things. After watching my success my friends have made the switch,and they have all been very pleased with the results.In the past I have been leery about shooting deer in August (in the deep south swamps) with a bow.To much water,to many snakes,and a high probability of losing an animal. The Rage does so much damage,that when the animal doesn't fall within eyesight a blind man could follow the blood trail,and he will NOT go far.I for one highly recommend the Rage.

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