WOW !!


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I just can't believe how uneducated people can be .. Check out this idiotic debate on facebook ...[id]=aab8c57081be1b81b2b39dd853d198f7&nctr[nid]=aab8c57081be1b81b2b39dd853d198f7&nctr[ct]=1247697882312

I'm actually embarrased to say I'm lumped in with these people in the human species .. :hammer1:

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Let's see if I can just cut and past the latest page from this debate .. I had to make sure non of the vulgar language was displayed .. for our viewing here ..

Anne Sheridan

Like it or not with human encroachment on habitat and the elimination of natural predators hunting is an absolute necessity to keep wild animal populations healthy. Revenue from hunting licenses also goes to wildlife management and as a result wild populations of game animals in the US are in better shape with less widespread suffering than ever before.



Olivia Phillips 11:19 am

The best way to show you people care for animals is to go vegetarian its also really good for the enviroment!!



Sharlene Ludgate11:18 am

I couldn't of said it better myself,thank you Jennifer.I could go on and on but I won't.It's bad enough these individuals are taking it upon themselves to take away the lives of these innocent beings,but for them to post the pictures,keep your sick disrespectful hobbies to yourselves.One day these animals are gonna fight back and when they do they have every right to fight back and win.Hunting is NO different then the people that murder,it's the exact same thing.


Wendy Shaw11:30 am

If you think this is Moral or Ethical you really are Misguided,

Look how outnumbered this PATHETIC Poll is! Obviously all the murderers have told their murder friends about it.

I am brought to tears seeing some pin dick holding up a majestic Lion or a Wildebeast FB need to get their act together and get this off here,Instead of deleting the accounts of Animal Right Activists,Who believe a Life is a Life,and have RESPECT for all SENTIENT beings.



Jim M. Boyan 11:29 am

All animals have the same rights . To be eaten by me or another animal . Period !



Nina Perino 11:28 am


Olivia Phillips 11:22 am




Olivia Phillips 11:22 am

Orr? try layin baack on killing the preadators? like the people that show dead lions and wolveds on their pics..



Jennifer Lynn Coon 11:21 am

I really wouldn't care except I don't like to see it - but I can't stop them. All I voted was I don't like to see it, enough said.



Jennifer Lynn Coon 11:20 am

There is natural selection in the wild to keep numbers down and for millions of years they've done a good job of it themselves but remember - when humans kill it's not natural selection - we outnumber wild animals and we kill not only for food but for sport or fashion - that's why there are endangered species. Without humans going nuts on wild animals then there wouldn't be endangered species. Animals kill to eat or else they die - excuse me but umm...didn't humans make other foods??? We all eat because we want to but not to survive. Humans are gluttons.


Anne Sheridan 11:20 am

Like it or not with human encroachment on habitat and the elimination of natural predators hunting is an absolute necessity to keep wild animal populations healthy. Revenue from hunting licenses also goes to wildlife management and as a result wild populations of game animals in the US are in better shape with less widespread suffering than ever before.



Olivia Phillips 11:19 am

The best way to show you people care for animals is to go vegetarian its also really good for the enviroment!!



Sharlene Ludgate 11:18 am

I couldn't of said it better myself,thank you Jennifer.I could go on and on but I won't.It's bad enough these individuals are taking it upon themselves to take away the lives of these innocent beings,but for them to post the pictures,keep your sick disrespectful hobbies to yourselves.One day these animals are gonna fight back and when they do they have every right to fight back and win.Hunting is NO different then the people that murder,it's the exact same thing.


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Here's the latest post I just had to share ... man this one needs an IQ test her self I would think ...

Robin Patricia Lyles11:54 am

People, people don't be too hard on the hunters!

People who hunt generally have a very low IQ (probably due to years of inbreeding) which leaves them feeling inferior to the rest of society.Also the meat has finally been absorbed into their blood stream so their brains are dis-eased and can not function the way us non meat eaters brains function, so to try and make a valid point here would be useless and a waste of energy, there is no changing a dis-eased is merlely a waste of energy, these people are very toxic and should be avoided at all costs, no sense in getting yourself wound up over all their pety excuses as to why they hunt, kill, murder,destroy and then eat dead carcasses. Going out and killing animals gives them a sense of superiority that they are unable to achieve by any other means.

Their low IQ means they are unable to take up hobbies, sports or pastimes that require any skill or intelligence, so what else are they going to do with their time?


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tell the idiots to read the Bible............

Genesis 9 - 2 - And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be on every beast of the earth, on every bird of the air, on all that move on the earth, and on all fish of the sea. They are given into your hand.

3 - Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you.

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