Grape Vine Advice

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I have this 3 year old Concord Grape Vine that I've been tending from a starter vine.

Id there anything special I should be doing to help this vine along ?? It so far hasn't produced and blooms or fruit. Am I doing something wrong ??

How should I be tying this vine anyhow ?? Twine, zip ties or clothe ..

Here's what it looks like as of today ..


Any help or advise is greatly appreciated and welcome ..

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Well perhaps I spoke too soon. Pruning is very important, but you could also have some other issues as well. As far as getting the most out of your plant, you need a place for it to go (i.e. a wire to run on) then you let the best 2-3 vines run it (you may need to train it or tie it) and then you snip the buds off all the rest all through the early summer into fall. Taking the buds off will make the plant force all the nutrients into the runners you want it to. Eventually you should see little tiny clusters of grapes, and you'll need to be carefull not to clip them in your pruning.

I'll try to find some pics. This is of course true for muscadines, and I would think would apply to concords as well.

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If you're making absolutely no grapes, I'm not sure what to tell you. Some plants require more than one to be planted for cross-pollination. If you're just not getting much edible fruit, you may need to prune and fertilize. There is pruning to be done in the winter and summer to control the runners and buds, else they can bud themselves to the point the plant simply cannot produce fruit.

I sure dont have a green thumb, but I had blisters on it once upon a time from working shears 40 hours a week.

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I wish I knew what to tell you. My only experience was maintaining plants that all made buds. Maybe call your county agent?

Or you can email this guy, Felder Rushing. He's a Miss native, but travels the country speaking on various topics. He's a horticulturalist, and if he dont know the answer, he wont blow smoke at you. Also, he normally returns emails within a day or so.

[email protected]

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