Powerbelt Test

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Did some experiementing with a standard 348gr Hollow Point Powerbelt with 90gr 3f goex into soaking wet news paper @ 50 yards.

Heres a movie- Fast forward it to 50 seconds. The bullet will impact shortly then.




Exit Hole,



Recovered bullet weight was 181 grains.




I plan on redoing this test with the Inserts that im experimenting with this year and see how the performance will do then. This bullet shed a lot of weight and im hoping that my insert will allow the bullet to hold at least 90% of its original weight and not pancake like the bullet above did.

A slow motion pic captures all of the water that was in the news paper, flying everywhere!


Edited by FrontierGander
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I have done some Powerbelt testing on a different media. The results have always yielded the same result, meat on the table. The best performance from my .45 caliber 225 grain aero tips pushed by 3-50 grain pyrodex pellets comes at ranges greater than 50 yards. Inside that, I get explosion, fragmentation, no exit wound, and dead deer. At 90 yards I got a much better deal. It looked like a tanker truck had ruptured in the snow and I got a nice pass-through, and a dead deer. Probably killed 8-10 deer with them.


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Where did you find the bullet at? Thats pretty cool, would like to see t.c. shock wave 200gr, might have to try that and show you.

I found it Aprox. 3 to 4 feet behind the target in pine needles.

If you'd like me to test the 200gr shockwave i'd be more than happy to. Those are not available in my part of the country due to no one restocking so i'd need you to send me around 6 or 8 of them. I have a couple other sabot rounds i will be testing.

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Started shootng BP with Powerbelt 295gr and 150gr of t-7 never changed. This combanation has worked well for me, but come to think of it I did have one deer that the PB never cleared, found the slug in the other shoulder. I'll continue to deplete the stock I have of the PBs till gone and if I have any trouble mite consider something eles. Sure like the water bottle and wet paper set up, great post!

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