Going to make hunting home video series this year.

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A buddy and I have both planned on trying to make our own hunting video this season. He has a good handheld camera, and I have a decent stand mounted camera. We both love to hunt, and think it'd be great to have a hunt or two caught on film. I told him my goal was to get one good enough to have put on Realtrees Home Video series, but I doubt that'll happen. We've been goofing of lately just trying to video stuff like 3-D pratice, etc. We'll see how it goes. Maybe if we get enough good footage and a kill or two I could make copies for those intersted in viewing what we get......

YB15 tongue.gif

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Re: Going to make hunting home video series this year.

Hey Kyle, I dunno if your video camera can hook up to the computer somehow, but they also have cheap software that allows you to edit and add music to segments and stuff to your videos to give it a professional look to it. It'd be awesome to see what you guys come up with.

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Re: Going to make hunting home video series this year.

Hey Kyle my friend and I do this. Right now im trying to convert everything to my computer!!!!! When i do ill show the footage. Its alot of fun. We have had some pretty good luck doing this!!!! My camera came with the softwear to put it on the computer. Im just trying to figure it all out.

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Guest HOYTUSA2008

Re: Going to make hunting home video series this year.

me and my older cousin have done that with tukeys, but we never have been able to get a deer being shot on film

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