Hey cinch


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Yeah, the foot is doing good and just had the last stitch taken out yesterday.:beer: The doc had tacked down both ends of the muscle so that I wouldn't do more damage to the ruptured muscle while it healed. Boy that stitch ran about 3.5 inches and wasn't real cooperative about coming out after 3 weeks of being in my foot! Kinda stung when he yanked that puppy out!

Bet you are sooo thrilled to have that cast off. So was it ....a real pleasure.... to finally be able to scrub your leg down and scratch till your hearts content? It sure felt good to me when I finally could. Hope the swelling goes down soon and you can get out of that boot!

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Oh yea you know it!!!! LOL I couldnt wait to get home to shave and scratch that dead skin off but as soon as I got home the electricity was out for the night. LOL I was scrubbing by lantern and missed a few spots but its all good now! LOL I know what you mean about the stitches girl! I about hit my doctor with he took the one off my heal.

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