Who is a diehard bowhunter?

Ethan Givan

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I was wondering how many of you hunt strictly with a bow? I usually trade it for a rifle when our rifle season starts, but sometimes I hunt with my bow during muzzeloader season. It seems every year I take my bow to the woods more and more because it is so much more exciting. Is anyone a diehard bowhunter?

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Don't get me wrong, I love the feeling of accomplishment that goes with harvesting a deer with a bow. All the practice and thought put into stand placement as well as figuring out how to get close.

However, the real kicker for me isn't so much the weapon but the other stuff that goes with bow humnting in IL. A 3 month season, less hunting pressure and less risk of being shot. Experiencing the change of season each week instead of hunting the two weekends of the firearm season.

If I could take a gun during archery season I'd likely still take a bow a lot of the time.

So am I a die-hard hunter? You bet! A die-hard bow hunter...Not sure on that one.

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I killed some deer for the first time in four years with a rifle and that was the first time I carried my rifle in as many years. I only went rifle hunting because there was nothing better to do for the last days of hunting season.

I have surpassed the amount of deer I've killed with a gun by bow killed deer. So, I'd say that I'm a Die Hard bow hunter. I do save my guns for my son and use some of them to go groundhog hunting and target practice. I've also purchased a TC Contender to hunt with this fall, a one shot pistol what could be better?:)

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Almost purely bowhunter here. I have a shotgun for shotgun season, but I haven't used it in years. I also got an Encore for ML season a couple years ago and fiddle around with that, but for the most part I'm a bowhunter.

Of all the deer I've killed, I think only 2 have been with a gun. 1 with my 870, 1 with my Encore.

Now, this is the point in the thread where Ohiobuks will come in and "remind" me of all the deer I've missed with a gun, which is true, I've missed my share of deer whilst using a gun. :D

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Can't say I'm a die-hard bow hunter as I just started hunting with a bow about three years ago. I love it nonetheless. There have been times that I have taken my bow during rifle season. I haven't been fortunate enough to harvest a deer with my bow but came real close two years ago. I'm hoping this year is when I connect.

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Now, this is the point in the thread where Ohiobuks will come in and "remind" me of all the deer I've missed with a gun, which is true, I've missed my share of deer whilst using a gun. :D

I think all you have to do is show him that picture of that "little" buck that is in your siggy... I have never seen him post a picture of a buck he has harvested... I think harvesting that buck has made up for all the misses that have stacked up over the years...:D :poke:

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I consider myself a diehard bowhunter but if your definition is a hunter that only hunts with a bow then I don't make your cut.

For the past 12 years or so, I've choosen to take off on all my out of state hunts strictly to bowhunt during the later part of the MS bow season and its early gun season. I simply enjoy bowhunting more than hunting with a firearm but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy hunting with a firearm too. I'd just rather deer hunt with a bow when I hit the road. When I return home after the MS firearm season is underway, I'll carry one of my firearms with the rest of the ironmen.

With my bowhunting opportunities at home and on the road it generally works out where about half of the 50 or so full days I spend in the deer woods is spent bowhunting.

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I was going to quit gun season here in WI after last season, but a buddy invited me to his place this year so I will go with him to escape the orange Army. He invited me last year and I saw more deer in 1 day than in 9 full days previous, even got my doe at his place last year. But I will be bow hunting very seriously for the first time this year, especially since the land I have permission on is less than 15 minutes away from home and 22 away from work.

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Our bowseason last the whole month of september just about and you cant bowhunt during ML season here so after bowseason goes out I pick up the smokepole. I do pick up the bow on occasion during rifle season but most of the time during gun season I am working on my first passion, hunting with dogs and it is not only illegal but unethical to attempt a bowhunt with dogs.. So usually after the bowseason goes out I will be either toting my cva or one of my remingtons..

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If it weren't for my kids, I'd bowhunt all the time. It's hard to take your kids on a bowhunt, though. So I'll take the ML out a couple of times during blackpowder and a couple of times during rifle just so my kids can go with me.

I'm in the same boat with Kevin. I take my kids quite a bit, and at this point in time we take a rifle and find a shack to go get in. When I dont have the kids, then I open my truck and look at the back seat, which normally will have 1-3 guns and a bow on it. Depending on where I want to hunt, the wind, etc.... I choose my weapon. The bow gets used about half the time in gun season these days, but I'm not passing up my rifle when looking down a long woodline on a cold frosty morning during the rut.

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