There's no place like home...

Norm Sauceman

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That is never more true when you have been through something that feels like death.

For the past few months I have been having some minor chest pains. I went in for a checkup a few weeks back and it was found I could have had a small heart attack some time back.

You have to know that I have a real high tolerance to pain. All my life it has taken something pretty fierce to put me down where I could not function. When I was about 22 or so, I broke off the front part of my lower knee joint. It was the front part of my Tibia. I walked three blocks to the hospital and they wanted to keep me there for surgery. I refused, promised them I would be there the next morning, signed AMA papers and walked back to have my crew finish the job I was foreman of. Yes, hard headed...

My heart tests found damage to one of my heart valves and a "stiff" muscle. Thursday night//Friday morning I had a pretty bad spell and almost went to the hospital then. After about 5-6 minutes, it passed so I just brushed it off. Then Sunday morning about 11:30 it hit again, real hard and the first time late in the morning. I sat through the rest of church then went straight to the hospital. My blood pressure was elevated so they put me in a room in the ER and started blood work. Everything tested fine but they could not determine what the problem was so they admitted me from Sunday until just a few minutes ago.

They are still not convinced something is not happening with my heart but feel it could be something other than that so I have more and more tests ahead. The doctor said this would not stop me going to Alaska and go go ahead with my plans. Evidently this is not a real serious problem but it feels like it is.

I have never been the type of person who went crazy hen something happens until I find out some particulars so please forgive me for not sounding the alarm sooner. I always like to have something substantive to tell other that the sky is falling. Forgive me. I did tell a couple of you after I was admitted just in case. I just sent a private message for a just in case.

I sincerely appreciate all the well wishes and prayers. You here have always been and will continue to be my friends and family. I hope my actions in life never give you any doubt or any difference of opinion of me.

I will let you know if anything changes but as of now, I am hoping we cna get the rest of the funds together for this Alaska trip. It has always been a dream of mine to go and just hunt everything I could but I always received my joy by sending others. That is why I started the DHNA a while back.

Almost all of you do not know this but when I had to shut down the DHNA, I was 30K in debt from sending people on unfunded hunts and adventures because I never could say no. It always easier to send someone else and see the joy in their eyes than for me to be selfish and go myself. I never have been one who would knock someone else out of joy and I could live it through their eyes. I have always been a giver. I could always ask for things for others than myself. I have NEVER taken anything for my own personal benefit...never..although some have found fit to spread rumours to the like.

During the Fall of last year, I paid my final payment to my final outfitter that completed the 30k debt I had assumed when I had my accident and could no longer function on behalf of the DHNA.

I asked many folks if they woukld like to assume the role of the DHNA and to my suprise they declined. It was until later when I talked with some folks that I found out that because I set the DHNA up to be %100 non-profit and folks could not make money from it, they did not want it. I never found it right to spend money donated for theuse of people who were disabled or temrinally ill for someone salary...but that is just how I am...Volunteer is a volunteer, not a paid employee.

Anyway, that is some of what I have been holding back. I needed to clear the air a bit and spread some truths. I am so honored you folks want to send me on this trip with Mike. I just was floored when GW called me and told me to look at the forums at what was going on.

You have no idea the joy and awe I have for you folks on here. I have been back in this house for over four years now trying to not feel sorry for myself. I have begged and begged for folks here in my county yo take me hunting but no one would stand. It was always folks from longer distances than I could comfortably travel but no more. I will go anywhere I am invited and will do it gladly. I am tired of being stuck in these four walls. This Alaska trip is a new day for me. If I can only convince Yogi and BooBoo to bring their old bear grandpa, it will be perfect.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. I appreciate and love each and every one of you!


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After talking with some of those people you have helped along the way there is no doubt in my mind to your integrity and your willingness to help others, Norm. It is with that knowledge that I can continue to help in the effort to get you to Alaska.

Rumors are just words passed by those who don't have the ability to seek the truth for themselves. Those who believe in rumor usually have a closet full of guilt.

We will be sending you to Alaska, my friend!

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I have NEVER taken anything for my own personal benefit...never..although some have found fit to spread rumours to the like.
I have gotten to know you pretty good over the years Norm, and was even welcomed into your home. To those folks spreading ugly gossip and rumors, I say "Poo Heh" and if they don't have the kahoonies to confront you with whatever their problem is, then they are an even sadder lot.:nono: :chair:

I'm not exactly in a great financial position right now, but I have pitched in what I can to get you on that hunt. You deserve it.

Keep your chin up, and happy huntin my dear friend

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Norm, We have known each other for some time now...I trust you and consider you a friend.

With DHNA being a 501c3 you had to document everything if I'm not mistaken and show that proof to the government before being able to dissolve the corporation...Shove that proof in the rumor mongers face:whip:

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