weight forward arrows? worth the hype?


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your arrows should already be slightly weight forward. for your bowhunting setups. most guys have a FOC of around 10 or higher. Foc is "front of center". which means you need slightly more weight on the front half of the arrow than the back half. this enables the arrow to fly better to its target.

most guys simply add a slightly heavier field point or broadhead to get the weight forward correct for there best accuracy.

if you had to much weight on the back half, your arrow would try to do a flip flop.:yes: this would also cause erratic arrow flight.

whether they help or not i dont know. i dont think they are really needed. if an arrow is set up properly, it will have most of the weight forward of center anyways.


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Yes, it's true you can indeed increase the FOC of any arrow simply by screwing on a heavier point. You can also go to lighter fletchings and nocks to increase FOC. I absolutely agree with Tony for lighter carbon arrows specifically. An FOC of greater than or equal to 10% is typically what it takes to calm down the flight of a carbon shaft. On heavier aluminums 8% is often good enough. This was one of the biggest lessons I had to learn when I switched from aluminums to carbons. In my experience, carbons need more FOC to fly stable at a distance than aluminum.

The weight forward shafts allow you to use a lighter head to get more FOC and results in a lower total arrow weight. This translates to a faster arrow. So the option is useful.

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