Thune - Vitter Amendment Defeated


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Kudos to Sen Thune for introducing this. Of course with the current makeup of Congress and the Obama Administration, any type of pro 2nd Amendment legislation is doomed to failure. But from a political standpoint, it's always good to get your opponents on record as opposing the Constitution, especially something as important as one of the Articles in the Bill of Rights.

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Yes, it was stripped from the bill. Even though it passed 58 votes for and 39 votes against. But, since it didn't have a 60 vote majority it was stripped because Chuck Schumer (D-NY) promised a filibuster if it wasn't removed. (In today's milquetoast Senate, just the threat of a filibuster is treated as an actual filibuster.)


I guess 58% isn't as good as 51%: "A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine." - Thomas Jefferson

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Hey, Bloomburg said it best. "It would allow criminals a free pass to bring guns across state lines" Geesh ! I never thought of that !

Uh... Who are the criminals ? Legal gun permit holders or outlaws who couldn't have a gun permit to begin with ?

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