HuntersHelping Kids Ultimate Kids Hunt Entries


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Hunters Helping Kids Inc, Ultimate Kids Hunt for 200

A minimum of ten (10) kids will be chosen from across the United States to participate in “The Ultimate Kids Hunt”, held on an annual basis. There will be five (5) boys and five (5) girls chosen through a national drawing. To be eligible for the drawing, “The Ultimate Kids Hunt” application must be completed in full and returned by mail before August 1st of each year. Chosen Participants will be notified by phone before August 31st. We welcome applications from physically challenged Kids.

The Participants must: Be between the ages of 10—15 years of age Complete a Hunter Safety Course prior to the hunt

Have parent or legal guardian signature

Be accompanied by a parent of legal guardian

Each Kid chosen will be provided with: A rifle with scope for the hunt

A full set of camouflage clothing

Boots, A bag of accessories

Paid hunting licenses and associated fees,

Food and lodging (*also provided for accompanying family members*) Please note that transportation to and from your hotel to the selected hunt site will be provided.

If you know a Kid that would like to participate, please complete and submit an entry form.

You may down load an entry form our website or send us your mailing address to [email protected] an we will mail you entry forms.

Don't miss out on this great time it's free only cost is your transportation from home to NC


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Congratulations to our winners

Winners of the all Girls Hunt for 2009

Rose from Pennsylvania

Nicole from New York

Amber from New York

Sasha from North Carolina

Samantha from North Carolina

These young ladies range from 11—13 years of age and will travel to Edenton, North Carolina for the 2nd Annual All-Girls hunt and related activities

October 30th — 31st , 2009


Winners of the 2009 Ultimate Kids Hunt

Crystal from Virginia

Brittany from Tennessee

Kara from North Carolina

Becca from New York

Megan from Virginia

Christopher from North Carolina

Devan from New York

Tyler from Florida

Billy from Virginia

Zachary from Indiana

All of the kids range from 10—15 years of age and will travel to Lenoir, North Carolina for the hunt and related activities on December 10 through 12, 2009

Winners of both Hunts are drawn from the same entries

Edited by ORB
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