scent control

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im a new be deer hunter and have not used scent control ever while going out with my dad and stuff should i start and what cheap/good product is the best????

Depends on what you are doing, also I am with Ethan on this one. I use H.S. body wash and clothing detergent. My opinion its the best you can get without breaking the bank.

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I like Hunter's Specialties Scent-away products. If you use the laundery detergent, body wash, antiperspirent, and the field spray then you should be good to go. Always hunt with the wind in your favor though.


Other things include...

-Storing your hunting clothes in plastic bins when not in use.

-Using cover scents like coon or fox urine. Some deer react differently to these than others it seems.

-On cold days, carry your warm clothes to your stand instead of wearing them, to prevent you from working up a sweat.

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Scent away seems to work ok. There are several different unscented soaps and detergents on the market, guessing most are about the same, most I have used have been about the same. We usually use hunter specialties green liquid soap and have to buy the wife and ooldest daughter unscented shampoos and conditioner. For detergent I either use sportswash or some stuff from cabelas. Have used baking soda before too and it seems to also work ok. There are unscented deodorants on the market too.

After you get your clothes free of human odors you need to keep them stored away from odors. Been using plastic totes here for many years for our clothes, they work well. We have cedars all over our property, so I usually will get a cedar branch and put it in the totes near the start of the season.

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I've got scent blocker and scent lock clothing. I got them on sale so I didn't pay a small fortune for them. My future hunting clothing purchases will not be the overpriced scent elimination clothing. My focus now is more on playing the wind, using scent free soap and shampoo when I shower and keeping myself dry from sweat. Since you're just starting out, I'd recommend going with the HS scent products and just buy the cheaper clothing and spray down.

One thing I wish I had learned earlier is to take a change of undergarments with me when I have a long hike to my stand and I'll be sweating a lot. I then store the sweaty undershirt/socks in a ziplock bad. Nothing alarms deer more than the scent of human bacteria and you get that with sweat.

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All the advise is good...I will focus on the word "cheap"...

Odor Control

1. Bath/shower in plain Ivory soap...99.94% soap without perfumes...

2. Use an unscented deoderant (best with baking soda)

3. Brush teeth in baking soda


4. Wash clothing in baking soda (they will be scent free). The hunter's laundery soaps are also UV-killers.

5. Wash boots in baking soda (at least the soles)


6. Move in slowly...don't work up a sweat or carry your clothes in.

7. Use a plastic bottle with cornstarch in it for a wind-checker...never hunt against the wind.


8. Help someone who has killed a deer field dress it...carefully recover the urinary bladder (after it has been removed with the gut pile) and extract the urine...put it in a clean bottle (spray bottles at Walmart for less than a dollar) sure to label it as a buck or doe with the date. Also collect the tarsal gland if the other hunter has not already.

9. Collect a large bag of acorns and using an old pot, cook down an acorn stew (best done on a grill outside)...put the liquid in a spray bottle. Can do pine needles the same way...depending on where you hunt.

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