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Just got my son Luke his FIRST deer rifle on Saturday. His birthday is August 1! Grandpa sent the money last week and I ran out and found a H&R Handy Rifle in .44 mag. Which I've been wanting in that exact cal because my Marlin 1894 Cowboy is .44mag. Only minor bummer is Luke really wanted the wood stock, and this ones black on black synthetic. BUT, he's still gonna be stoked. Maybe I can find some walnut ones later.

Got it for $269 at a tiny little bait shop out in the middle of nowhere towards Green Castle. Holy cow that guy had a TON of guns and lots of used ones at great prices. He had a bunch of older levers too..which I'm always a sucker for! LOL!

Oh yeah...and the Handy Rifles don't come with iron/open sights nor is the barrel tapped for them. So it's scope only. Gotta get one of them.

He does infinate layaway and had a really nice rack loaded with TC muzzleloaders. I told him I'd be back in January to to put one on layaway! Can't wait!

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I know! It's driving me nuts! I had it out this morning checking it out (again!) in my room while I was getting ready for work. Very simple, neat little gun. Seems very rugged and bullet proof. And the synthetic stock has a bit of checkering on it which he will like as well as built in swivel studs. Since I couldn't find one with a wood stock local.

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