The Weekend....


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Guest outdoorgirl

Re: The Weekend....

well....i have been snow plowing and snow blowing all day yesterday.....we got a foot of snow from the storm....suns out.....picked up a new sled....the step kids will be having fun...i'll pull them around on the four wheeler.....they love that.....we'll be doing something fun together outside this the fresh air you know....

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Re: The Weekend....

Well, since my car doesn't go in the snow AT ALL (someone buy me a truck), I'm waiting for the snow to melt so I can go out. I might break the 4 wheeler out and do some donuts on the road so the neighbors can cuss at me... grin.gif Other than that, it'll be a normal weekend hanging out with a few friends and maybe go out to eat. Boring, huh?

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Re: The Weekend....

Going to do a little shed hunting, but sinse the antlers in this area still seem to be mostly attached to their owners yet, I do not know if I will find any. Saturday night is the local RMEF banquet and the wife and I are looking forward to it. I usually spend to much money at the auction there, but at least it is for a good cause.

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Re: The Weekend....



Let just say last night was ROUGH! LOL

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I'll second that, grouse hunting was def. out of the picture this morning.

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LOL, what, did ya's tie a good one on last night boys? grin.gif

I stayed sober and still slept into 2:20 grin.gif man, what a good sleep. i guess that will make up for the late nights and early mornings this past week crazy.gif dont plan on doing much this weekend. maybe look over my notes because my one instructor said there was a 'possibility' of a test on monday on engines and cooling systems blush.gif usually when Vince says there's a 'possibility' of a test, you can count that one is going to be dropped on your desk that day grin.gif and this is a BIG one, so i better crack the books open and look over my notes. smirk.gif

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