8 1/2 year old wild buck


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Here are a couple of trail cam pictures of an 8 1/2 year old buck on our property. He is on top of my hit list this bow season. I have four matched sets of sheds from him and there have been a few years that I could not find his sheds. This is the first year he grew the drop tine, I expected his rack to shrink a little but he grew his best ever. I can't wait for bow season. You can see his picture from last year on recent Cuddeback magazine ads.



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i find 8.5 years old to be far fetched. i have seen doe's shot and aged by biologist at 5.5 years old and they barely had teeth left. once deer get over that 5.5 year mark their teeth and overall health start declining fast in the wild. that buck in that picture looks as healthy as a 3.5 year old. i'm guessing he is only around 4.5 years old.

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