Home Sick


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This is WAY out of character for me but I figured why the heck not post something about it. I do not expect to gain anything from this but to show you what I am feeling right now. I am home sick big time. I miss my family and I miss my friends and I feel like I am across the country all alone right now. I have written this thread 5 times tonight and deleted it but whatever, I will hit the sumit new thread button on this one. I just have so many thoughts and feelings going through my head and I feel like I have no one here to talk with and express emotions and feelings with. Everything is going great here and I love my job but one thing I have always told myself is that I WILL have a life outside of work. These people out here, well everyone else besides Orlan and his Wife, are wierd and just are different than what I am accustom too. Not saying that in a bad way, just saying it as something I am not used to. For some reason this weekend is making miss being home with my family and my friends that I have spent so many years building relationships with. I feel like I have left them out to dry and broken their hearts by "leaving" them. Anyhow, I miss home and friends and just dont know if I am making the right decision. This was a huge change and random, but thats me, thats what I like and do, change and randomness. I just miss things and its all coming down on me tonight. Anyhow, hug your friends and family for me because right now I would give anything to do that........

.....trust in yourself and nothing else matters.......


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It is very difficult to do what you have done. I feel though that you have done what is best for yourself at this time. Call home and talk with your friends and family. Walmart has at&t long distance cards that give you a lot of talking minutes for $10.00. I know because we call Buckee in Canada with them and can talk for 2 hours for $10.00. You get at least twice that amount for calling in the states. I am sure everyone back home would like to talk with you about once a week if you have time.Save a little money to fly back home for a surprise visit if you can.

Take care and you can always talk on the forums. We listen!


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luckily I upgraded my cell phone plan to nationwide so I still have a NC number and calls home are local, so they all get phone calls throughout the week and incoming calls come in often. It just sucks not being on the farm sitting around the bon fire with my greatest friends and being able to hug mom and play with my dog that I had to leave at home because there was no room in the truck coming across the country.

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IF I was in your shoes...I'd look in the phone book and find a local archery shop that has a shooting range...go make more friends. Not to replace the ones in NC but to help make the time where your at easier to deal with.

It does not even matter if you shoot a bow just go do something different.

If you keep wishing you were somewhere else and your not all you'll get is the same pain your feeling right now.

If you do the same thing over and over dont expect different results.

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Call us anytime. When we first moved out here we were pretty homesick too.

It really is a different way of life on the west coast. I felt like we had moved to another country! Every thing is so different from the weather to the way people talk. We got used to it though and wouldn't live anywhere else.

Now we think they talk funny back east! Kinda like GW....LOL. ;)

I think Gary's idea of finding a place to fit in like a bow range or a gun club should help heal the sadness you feel right now.

It takes a while to make friends but remember that because you miss your family and friends it means that you yourself will be a great friend. Hang in there! :phone:

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I can imagine what your going through bud, big culture difference from what you're used to. Dont know what your long term plans are as far as living out there. If you have a goal to be back home in say five years, just keep that in mind, time flies, and might as well get out and make some friends.

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Man, I went through what you're going through on a smaller scale when I moved away to college my freshman year. It sucks, and it's tough believe me. But like a few others have said, GW gave some good advice... find an archery range or a gun shop and see if you can meet some people. I'll be honest, when I went to college, my first semester I was miserable. I was pretty much a recluse from the time I got there. I didn't want to go out, didn't want to meet anybody, nothing. Then my girlfriend and I broke up in October, and that made things even worse. I finally started hanging out with my roommate and then started playin basketball and doin stuff and meeting people, and things really changed. Now I love being up there. I know it's tough man, and it sucks, but you got all of us here on RT to talk to anytime you want, and my phone is always on if you need to talk man. Keep your chin up and hope things better for ya ;)

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Yeah, I am good now, just needed some sleep. Its not that I have not met people out here. I have actually met a ton of guys and ladies and people from here are calling me everyday to go do something. So its not the lack of new friends. I also have a local Ranch and Home store that has an indoor range where I go 3 times a week to shoot the bow. Have met a couple of guys from there but when you talk about hunting they shy away. Dont think they like a new kid, and a southern one at that, coming into town that hunts. Its very odd how they avoid conversations that will reveal what, when and how they hunt. I just miss my small town in Boone NC and being able to jump in the truck to go see the folks that were two hours away or go to the hunt club for a day just to get in to some known woods. But anyhow, thanks for the thoughts, this will all work out and yes I am lucky to have a job and my problems as of now are not financially.

Orlan 106!! thats nothing Yesterday at 3pm 108 here.:death:

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Have met a couple of guys from there but when you talk about hunting they shy away. Dont think they like a new kid, and a southern one at that, coming into town that hunts. Its very odd how they avoid conversations that will reveal what, when and how they hunt.

Sounds like New Jersey, Ben!

I know what you are going through. You always think of HOME no matter where you are. Even home away from home. Hope it gets better for you.

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I feel your pain Ben, this apartment gets pretty quiet when the kids aren't with me. I sometimes just feel like crawling in a hole and bawling myself to sleep. I'm trying to take it one day at a time and realize that everyday should get just a little bit better, well if not better atleast it may get easier...

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Went through that transition about 11 years ago when I first joined the Army. You will meet friends as time persists and things will get better. "Home" is nice to visit, but it is also where YOU make a living and make a new life. Good luck in your endeavors and have some fun, if you don't, you will look back years from now with some regrets. If I hadn't done that, I never would have met my wife, had 2 great sons, and some adventures that are not meant to be told on a family website.

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