what type of slugs for deer


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I have seen the Brennekes print pretty darn well out of my sons .20ga at 100 yards from his Mossberg 500 with a rifled slug bbl. His shot deer tip right over from those slugs.

Do not use rifled slugs in a rifled bbl. Use only saboted slugs in rifled bbls. Rifled slugs are for smooth bores. You can shoot them, but the best accuracy will be achieved using what is recommended by the manufacturer. Beside all the leading that crud up your lands and grooves.

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I shoot Federal Premium Sabot Slugs. They cost $15.00 for 5 slugs. They are not cheap, but I shoot them because MY Browning A-Bolt fully rifled shotgun loves them. I stress MY A-Bolt because each gun is different. I know it is not cheap but if you really want to find the best slug for your gun you have to do what I did. Buy and shoot many varieties/brands of slugs and find the one that works best in your gun and then stick with it. You could take two identical shotguns off the store shelf and find that one may shoot brand "A" slugs with extreme accuracy while the second one scatteres that exact same brand of slugs all over the paper while it puts 1 1/2 inch groups with brand "B". I know it costs a lot to figure out, but once you know the best match up for your gun you are in the chips. Yes I really can get 1& 1/2 inch groups with my Browning A-bolt at 100 yards every time all the time... IF I use the same Federal Premium ammo. I use the 3 inch 1ounce sabot slugs and the 2 3/4 inch 1 ounce sabot slugs and get pretty much the same result. Although for whatever reason the 2 3/4 inch ones usually give me a little tighter group. I have also found that the HYDRA-SHOCK tend to be more devistating on impact than the Barnes Expander. Anyway the best brand of slugs is really the one that will work best in your gun and the only way to find that out is to keep trying different brands until you consistantly get the groups you are looking for at the shooting range. I would imagine almost any slug on the market now days if you place your shot right is going to be more than effective in providing a quick clean kill on a whitetail. Again, that is if it is a well placed shot. One of the reasons I LOVE hunting with a slug gun so much is that I have never had to track a deer. I hunt with my sluggun from an elevated stand as if I was bow hunting, wait for a relaxed unsuspecting deer to come by and then sniper him with one clean ethical shot. I can always see them go down right in front of me. Most drop on the spot the furthest I have ever had one travel is 30 feet and then drop. No blood trailing, no worries. You gotta love the power of a sluggun. For those of you that think this is impossible here is how I do it. I only take broadside shots that will take out the shoulder. The shock from the weight and power of a slug seems to shut dowh their whole central nervous system. The slug takes out the shoulder, penetrates both lungs and exits the opposite side causing huge trama. Believe me it is an extremely humaine kill and worth the fact that it damages a little more meat than going for a pure lung only or heart shot. Just make sure you dont shoot too far forward or too high, study your deer anatomy and make sure your sluggun is shooting VERY VERY tight groups and you too will experience the joys of being a sluggunner!!! LOL!

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thats cool i will try some of the other slugs out there and see what it dose but i dont take shoots over 80 or 90 yards but some times i do get the itch to shoot a 100 yards and i hold a good patteren with the ones i use but i am just trying to find out what types you all shoot and with how good of patteren

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was shooting Remington's out of my Mossberg 20 ga...but this year I picked up a bunch of Federal Vital Shok slugs for my 20 ga....I think they might shoot better than the remingtons....the rems were always all over the target...and someone else I talked to had the same issue with Rems. I've always had good luck with Federal turkey loads...so I'm excited to see how the slugs shoot!

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Just thought I'd let you know that I finished sighting in my 20 guage with Winchester Super X rifled slugs. I'm very happy with them. I was placing the shots within a softball at 25, 50, and 70 yards.

At 9 dollars for a box of 15 I'm sold!

No longer will I be paying 15.00+ for a box of 5 remington copper solid sabot 12 guage shells.

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I shoot a old Remington 16 ga. Wingmaster and shoot Remington slugs $3.43 for a box of 5 at Rural King{I got 21 boxes} or $6.00 at Cabelas{I got 0} Bass Pro Shop & Gander Mt. doesn't carry them in stock around here..Great pattern up to 100 yards! I never checked anything past that.

Edited by jesse8953
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  • 3 weeks later...

Brenneke! I will never shoot another slug again after seeing what it did to 2 deer I shot last year. One was a 50 yard shot on a spike. It blasted both of his shoulders to bits. And the other was a huge doe that I shot head on at 34 yards on a drive. I put the slug in the base of her neck and it dropped her on the spot. And this was all out of my Mossberg 500 20ga.

Here's a pic:


I actually just put my slug barrel back on 2 days ago. :D

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