a couple nice bucks.

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I thought the first buck looked kind of young this year. You can't really tell much by looking at a deer either so its really hard to tell much about him. They are not to bad sized bucks. I'm going to take my trail camera out there this week and leave it for a week or so maybe there is some bigger ones out there. I was told theres a big 14 a 12 and a 10 so I hope i can get some pictures of those ones if I do I'll post them when I get them back.

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The first one looks like he'd be a good shooter now. Judging by the saddle in his back, he's no spring chicken.

That second one is going to be nice and wide. Hard to say what he will look like by the time he loses his velvet. He's got potential though.;)

I agree. He does look like a matue buck. That second buck would be the one I would want IF he gains some tine lenght. But he would have to grow some yet.

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