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I had planned on using Powerbelts this season but i got a bunch of Thor conicals ( solid copper) to try out in my rifles. If they shoot good they will be shot in the followiing:

CVA Accura .50

CVA Mountain Stalker .50

CVA Plainsman .50 Flintlock

CVA Hawken .50

Investarms .50cal Hawken

They're based on the Barnes bullet. Should be interesting to see how they will do, Especially in the Accura!

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TC black diamond. Topped with a bushnell 3-9x40 sportsman scope. One of these days I really want to upgrade and will likely move up to an omega or comparable, but this one works well for both my wife and myself. Still using #11 remington "hot" percussion caps, tried winchester primers did not like them for that gun, too fumblesome to remove them under the scope and they did not pattern as well with the proven load. Using TC's 240 grain xtp mag sabots pushed by 120 grains of pyro, have tried american pioneer(shockey's gold) and triple 7 will likely work up some loads with the triple 7 before this season rolls around.

Furthest shot on a deer was around 160 yards, quite effective. Think all the deer we have killed with that gun have been between 90 and 160 yards. Have never had to hold over at those distances.

Don't think I have any pics of just the gun, but did manage to get my 2007 ml opener on video.


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TC ProHunter encore

Bushnell Banner 3-9x40 muzzleloading scope with circle-x reticle with Butler Creek scope covers.

TC 200 Grain Shockwave bullets with sabot

2 pellets(100 grain) of Hodgons Pyrodex powder

It took a 4-point out to around 180 yard. I feel every confident on 200 yard shots with this gun.



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CVA - Wolf, black on black

Cabelas Pine Ridge - Shotgun/mzl scope: 2.5-7x32, diamond reticle, realtree camo (I know, it was on sale though ;) and it's COOL lookin' on an all black gun!!

90 grains loose pyrodex powder

TC Shockwave 200gn sabot

Currently on a box of Winchester 209 primers.

Conditions: tree stand is in dense woods. Hail-marry shot would be 100 yards in only a handful of shooting lanes at that distance.

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Isn't muzzle loading just the coolest sport!?? I just love it!

I certainly wouldn't mind owning an Encore and I am upgrading to one of the TC's in 2010. BUT, my whole setup originally cost me $130 (scope included), $15 for a bottle of powder and another 10-15 bucks for the sabots. I mean that is just so cool. That someone can start hunting and be successful for WELL under $200. It's a great sport and a great hunt. ONE SHOT, ONE KILL!

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TC Encore Stainless/Synthetic stock set


iron sights

295 powerbelt or the HDY SST 300 grain sabots.

120grains of Triple 7 FF burn rate.

CCI 209M.

Roughly same poi for both projectiles.. rifle burns pretty clean considering. Got my first deer with it last December 7th. Nice sized whitetail doe @ around 225yards.

I do need to buy a new breech plug though.. starting to get a bit rounded out.(lousy socket set at the time when I bought the rifle).

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My T/C white mountain carbine just for fun and my T/C omega with a nikon omega scope for deer.I use 250 grain T/C superglide shockwave,150 grain of 777 [3 pellets],winchester primers.This is the 1st year for the omega,I use to have a cva optima with open sights.It used 100 grain[2pellets] of pyrodex,245grain hollow point powerbelts,winchester primers.I have to say the omega is a better gun.jmo



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TC black diamond. Topped with a bushnell 3-9x40 sportsman scope. One of these days I really want to upgrade and will likely move up to an omega or comparable, but this one works well for both my wife and myself. Still using #11 remington "hot" percussion caps, tried winchester primers did not like them for that gun, too fumblesome to remove them under the scope and they did not pattern as well with the proven load. Using TC's 240 grain xtp mag sabots pushed by 120 grains of pyro, have tried american pioneer(shockey's gold) and triple 7 will likely work up some loads with the triple 7 before this season rolls around.

Furthest shot on a deer was around 160 yards, quite effective. Think all the deer we have killed with that gun have been between 90 and 150 yards. Have never had to hold over at those distances.

Don't think I have any pics of just the gun, but did manage to get my 2007 ml opener on video.



Nice video, was you doing the camera work as well?? When I heard some noise before the buck came out I knew you were fixin to put the hammer down! Way to go bud!! Nice video and nice buck.

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Yep, that video worked out fairly well. Thanks to that little doe, I knew about where the buck was going to come out.

Well you really put the hurt on the buck, great shot my friend.

My set up is going to be TC Omega, 300 grain Hornady SST sabots,BlackHorn 209. Triple Seven Pellets.

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awesome guns guys,, sweet vid and cool pics,, this is what im using

3 triple seven pellets (150 grains)

Thompson center .50 cal 200 grain sabots

federal 209 primers

Thompson center endevor

3 by 9 by 50 leupold with mil dots

heres what it looks like

this is where it came out

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Isn't muzzle loading just the coolest sport!?? I just love it!

I certainly wouldn't mind owning an Encore and I am upgrading to one of the TC's in 2010. BUT, my whole setup originally cost me $130 (scope included), $15 for a bottle of powder and another 10-15 bucks for the sabots. I mean that is just so cool. That someone can start hunting and be successful for WELL under $200. It's a great sport and a great hunt. ONE SHOT, ONE KILL!

oh...I LIED BTW. Currnet box of 209 primers are FEDERALS......not Winchester. MY BAD!!!:drink:
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I had planned on using Powerbelts this season but i got a bunch of Thor conicals ( solid copper) to try out in my rifles. If they shoot good they will be shot in the followiing:

CVA Accura .50

CVA Mountain Stalker .50

CVA Plainsman .50 Flintlock

CVA Hawken .50

Investarms .50cal Hawken

They're based on the Barnes bullet. Should be interesting to see how they will do, Especially in the Accura!

How's your CVA MS working for you? I've got the exact same gun and love it. However, after my first few shots the hammer didn't seem to move as fast and wasn't setting off the cap every time and when it did it wouldn't ignite the powder. Thus, I have a load stuck in my barrel. I've cleaned/oiled/lubed the nipple, barrel and hammer and it seems to be working a lot better without a cap on the nipple, though I have yet to get out and fire the gun.

If I can get it working, my set up this year will be as follows:

CVA Mountain Stalker .50

Remington or CCI No. 11 percussion cap

Hodgdon Pyrodex

TC 175gr. ball w/ patch or TC 370gr. Maxi-Ball lubed conical

Dakota :)

Edited by Dakota
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Rifle works and shoots beautifully!

100yards with 100gr RS, 348gr Aerotip Powerbelt. Remington #11 cap.


Be sure that your lockplate screw isnt over tightened. Also. it sounds to me like the backside of the hammer ( towards the stock) is making contact and when the fouling builds up, it gums it up and slows things down. Maybe file a litle metal off that nub on the hammer. You're main spring could also be a little weak, they are known for that. Could either buy a new one off ebay for around $10 or call Traditions and get one of theirs! I did this one a cva mountain rifle flinter and traditions main spring is a lot more hard/springy. Some filing of the little nub that slides into the lockplate is required.

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I'm pretty new to the sport. Last December a bought a Remington Genesis and Leuopold Ultimate Slam to go with it. Living in IL. we can not use a rifle for deer. As I introduce mykids to hunting I needed something with less recoil than a shotgun slug. My daughter shoots 70 grains of powder, shockwave 250 grain sabots, and Winchester 209 primer. She gets it in the vitals at 50 yards.

Smoke Pole.jpg


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I sold my Knight LK-93 Wolverine and bought a T/C Omega Z5 Package. Walmart had the Omega Z5 packs on clearance for $225.00 dollars. I took the Simmons 3x9x40 muzzleloader scope off of my LK-93 and put it on the Omega. I shoot the T/C(Hornady SST) 250 grain shockwave sabots. I also use Triple Seven loose powder and pellets. I was thinking of getting some of the Triple Seven Magnum pellets for this season. Two 50 grain pellets is supposed to give about 2200 fps out of a 28" barrel. Thats about 300fps faster than regular triple seven pellets. If they are as accurate, even better.

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I sold my Knight LK-93 Wolverine and bought a T/C Omega Z5 Package. Walmart had the Omega Z5 packs on clearance for $225.00 dollars.

Bearcat, I was thinking about your post while I was in the local WallyWorld today picking up some prescriptions.

I checked on the Z5 they had there to compare how good of a deal you got...

They wanted $317 for the plain black one on the rack:jaw:

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