New Copper ML bullet! Thor

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I got my bullets today so i took a Cabelas Sporterized Hawken .50cal out to my 100 yard range. My first shot was at my sand bucket so i could recover the bullet ( I did!!) and my next 3 shots were at the target.

I ordered the .500" 247gr Colorado Thor and on a clean bore, they will lift off the charge but once you foul it, they stay in place tight. This rifle will be using a fouled bore during hunting season.




Accuracy - My first outing i was pretty over heated with firing 3 rifles and getting everything on.

First 3 shot group @ 100 yards.

I was damn happy with this group because this rifle has a 1:48 twist and supposedly wasnt supposed to do to great with these bullets. My guess is due to the length but im a believer in the words "You'll never know, Until you try"


After the 4 shots, i took it home and swabbed the barrel clean and took a rest to settle the nerves and measure out more powder charges and to weigh the bullets on my scale.

I used (94 grains by weight) Goex 3f in this rifle and the fouling was very acceptable.

Accuracy again, Pretty darn awesome! I blew shot #3 probably due to running up and down the range after each shot but thats okay, thats what you do when you're in the field hunting.

Shot #1 left a big smile on my face ear to ear.


I do plan on swabbing between shots just to see if accuracy will get even better or if it will do the opposite.

It was an awesome day and the rifle is now ready for hunting season after just 7 shots!

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