What would these two bucks score.


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I have to agree w/ ccwhitey here. I think he nailed it right on the head. That bigger buck will gross low to mid 140s and the smaller one will gross 115-120...IMO The bigger buck would most likely be a shooter in my book, but from trail cam pics, it's always hard to judge size, especially in velvet. But like I said, I think ccwhitey hit the gross scores just about perfect.

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I saw the bigger one the other day when I was out there checking out the trail camera he is pretty big. I saw a few 8 points that would probably be a shooter I'll post some of the pictures later today or tomorrow of them. I did see a buck that we don't have pictures of he is huge he's a 14 point I don't think we will get pics of that one. Looking at that buck I would say he would probably go in the 160's to 170's.

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Well whatever they score, you got me beat by a landslide. I've only had my cam out for a few weeks so far, and the best I've seen is a trio of 8's that wouldnt break 100 inches each. Nice young deer, but not what I'm hoping to see. I went Friday to get a cam off a trail crossing a ditch that normally is used pretty often. Worst pics ever! 6 days and I had only 17 pictures of does and a coon! The little bag of goodies I had poured out to entice them wasn't even gone.

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Well thats not good maybe the deer aren't moving that well or something. It doesn't seem like they are moving that well here in WV but in OH they are I know that. I had my trail camera out on a field that we hunt and in 5 days I had 314 pictures so thats not to bad. I had one picture that had 7 bucks in it only 2 pictures that had does in it thats not a good thing not having the does around.

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