little info for ya

Tim Andrus

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As I see in here and the pro staff room people are always asking about being a pro staffer and what its like Well, I first and formost love it..meeting people from all over and all walks of life . But, when your expecting to get home around 10pm and then walk in the door at 215am its a little frustrating... Tonight the northeast was bombarded with T storms . I circled Buffalo NY for 1 hour and then we finally landed only to sit in the plane for 1-1/2 hrs due to lighting which shut down the outdoors of the airport for baggage handlers , etc. So here I sit at 230 am on the computer LOL The last 2 trips Ive been delayed 4-6 hours due to mother nature.. The shows are a blast ..but ...the traveling gets a little old from time to time just a little info for ya.... thankfully I took today off other wise Id have to be up at 515am

thats all from here oh probably the roughest flight in years with the turbulance and all

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That's tough, Tim. I remember the worst flying I ever did in a storm was taking a cigar tube from Seattle to Portland. I think it was like an 18 seater. Raining like crazy, blind woman had a yellow lab seeing eye dog that was wet and stunk up the whole plane. Turbulence was so bad folks started reaching for the vomit bags. by the time we landed, the smell in that plane was HORRIBLE! That was my worst flight ever, even including one with an emergency landing.

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Lot of behind the scenes problems I'm sure for all you Pro's.

I generally have to travel (by plane) once or twice a year for work. Aiports can be maddening as you mentioned Tim. Once I was flying into Orlando in a storm. The plane was about 10 feet from the run way and shaking so bad it had to go back up. Circled a while and tried again only to go back up again. Then the captain says we are running out of fuel and may need to go to some other airport to re-fuel. Luckily the storm broke and the third attempt we finally were able to land.

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That is why Randy drives 29,000 miles per year in his truck. Randy has to pull his trailer loaded with targets,bows,etc. so his trips have to be driven. He only flys when driving is impossible like when he went to London or Canada. Randy will usually drive 18 hours all night to a show after doing chores on the farm before leaves and pulls in to an event unloads and performs 3 shows in one day. That is how it is usually done.

His Dad helps with driving sometimes but most of the time Randy is driving the whole trip. I don't know how he does it sometimes.

When asked about why he doesn't like flying he will quote his great grandfather ."If you are in a car and it quits there you are,if you are in a plane and it quits there you ain't!"

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Glad you made it home in one piece Tim.

You have to be one of the busiest pro staffers that Realtree has. Outside of the ones who have their own shows. Always on the road.

We appreciate you being there Tim;).

PS, if I were you... I'd send Mike something just to stop posting that pic of you on the plane:clown:.

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That stinks Tim. Have not been on a plane in years, but used to fly a lot back when I was younger. Don't remember ever having those kind of waits, but do remember when my grandfather passed away the plane could not land where we were supposed to in West Virginia(think it was Huntington) due to the weather being so bad. The airline ended up putting us up where we were diverted to and we flew in the next morning on a little puddle jumper.

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