Need Help from a woman Hunter


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My name is Kris and I am taking my girlfriend Amber deer hunting this fall and would like any information, tips, suggestions or anything I can do to make the hunt more fun for her. She has been turkey hunting twice now unsuccessfully but this will be her first time ever deer hunting. For Christmas She got a set of heavy bibs and a hunting Jacket. I have gotten us a 2 person ladder stand with a blind on it. But what do you all recommend as ways to make the trip better.

Thank you very much

Kris Kline

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just go out there relax and enjoy it! it is not always about it you get the deer/turkey or not. it is more about enjoying nature and being out there with someone u enjoy sharing the experience with...getting the deer/turkey is not that bad either, like icing on the cake! you two have fun and good luck :-)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Don't pressure her...let her make her own decision....she may want to go out one day and not the next...let her decide if she enjoys the experience. And let her know hunting isn't all about big antlers or what not, it's not all about the kill. Help her enjoy the hunt for what it is. Have fun most of all!

As a woman who was in that spot a few years ago, a little reassurance that I would be ok and relax and enjoy what nature puts in front of me and that i dont have to shot until I felt comfortable, eat a good breakfast but not to much to drink, Just let her be herself and have fun, and let her ask questions, and as many as she wants, the more she knows the better she will be, and just remember that not everybdy will love it, but give her few times , im sure she will !

Lori Cobb

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I take a pack with a few books (I love to read), some snacks (apple already cut, granola bars, etc.), bottle of water (I take 2 so I can add Crystal Light flavor to one), extra jacket (light one just in case it gets cool while I am out there or, if it was cold to begin with, warms up and heavy jacket is too much), find a word book. But, when I go in the morning, I sit until 2 or so. I don't hunt with someone, though. I hunt by myself in a blind or box stand so I have the room and cover to move around. The one ladder stand I do hunt in is a double and has stuff around the sides so all you can see is my shoulders up.

My biggest issue is being bored. I have books everywhere and even read while watching TV. If I have several books, snacks, and water and I can stand up and stretch, I can sit all day. No books? I will stay maybe an hour, if that.

So, keep her warm/cool, entertained, and hydrated. And if she wants to leave, go. You can come back later if you want to keep hunting.

Good luck and let us know how it turns out.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I agree with the "no pressure" idea. Let her go at her pace. Of course its fine to whisper pointers if you can (i.e. let him get broadside, not yet, when you're ready). Experience the entire hunt together, share things that you see that she might not be seeing. Good Luck and we're waiting to hear how things turn out.

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oh ya no pressure is my goal. she has 3 days off for season, I said if you go the first day and dont want to go the second thats fine, she really wants a shot at a deer and I know she can make the shot. We do have a shooting process worked out, she get on the deer i watch, tell her where to wait wait ok shoot if you can, ect ect ect.... I'm so excited to hunt with her

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  • 3 weeks later...
Good luck and hope she gets one.

I really just want her to have fun BUT....deep down I REALLY REALLY hope she gets one too. We have the sluggun sighted in and I'm going to put up OUR two person tree stand on friday and we should be all set for our hunt from the 20-22. I'll be sure to post a pic in here WHEN she gets her first DEER ever.

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