how many robin hoods??

The Kid

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When you shoot field archery you plunk 4 in the bullseye on most targets. At 11 yards you get 4 targets to shoot at. I've shot a lot of them (four I can remember this year) and they were mistakes. I try to shoot at different places on the bull. Sometimes I'll miss and hit an arrow. Sometimes it robinhoods it. Sometimes it just breaks the nock or tears the fletch off. Here's a photo of one of my wife's recent robinhoods. She's letting her deer hold it. His name is Buford. Go figure!Mark

buford holding my robinhood arrow sized.JPG


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Shooting skinny shafts a robin hood would be pretty tough, I have honestly never tried. So I have none here and that is perfectly fine by me. I have however busted too many knocks to count when shooting at my 3d target grouping shots in the vitals. When shooting bag/block targets always shoot different spots.

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I already didn't want any before I bought my F.O.B.'s. Now I really don't ever try to get them close since I bust them easier without even getting a robinhood. I broke a couple FOB's shooting at the same spot and that was it. The FOB's aren't expensive but wasting them is senseless. Last one I busted was at 50 yrds. I thought I was safe but I was wrong.

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ive got 3. shot two of them within one week.

here is one. its the top one. i was shootin with the girl that shot the one just below mine and she shot it during only her second time shooting a bow! even though she put the wrong date on the label lol


here is my first one. my youngest brother is holding it



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