Ideas to make my Girl's hunt more fun


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My name is Kris and I am taking my girlfriend Amber deer hunting this fall and would like any information, tips, suggestions or anything I can do to make the hunt more fun for her. She has been turkey hunting twice now unsuccessfully but this will be her first time ever deer hunting. For Christmas She got a set of heavy bibs and a hunting Jacket. I have gotten us a 2 person ladder stand with a blind on it. But what do you all recommend as ways to make the trip better.

Thank you very much

Kris Kline

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Let nature take its course, and it will all turn out A OK...Thats all i did when i got my lady involved in bow her shooting, got her hunter safety card, got her some equipment, put in some stand time with her, and away she went...THats about all you can do.

Oh ya, and Johnboys idea about the heater is a good one...+1 Johnboy! thats from experience, i can tell...

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My girlfriend will be hunting for the first time with me this year also. Over spring break i took her out and we shot at least 450 gophers in a few hours. She had a blast. She has been hunting before but just tagging along. Never hunting/shooting herself. Yesterday I took her out with a few guns to shoot and see what she could handle and liked. She absolutely loved my 270 which made me incredibly happy. I wont have to find another gun that kicks less that is also suitable for deer and elk. My plan is just to put her where she/we will see alot of animals and let the animals do the rest. I bought her a heavy set of camo for her birthday to keep her warm. We have alot of good land to hunt on around my home town and on her family's ranch. But my advice to you is to just get her out there and make it as fun and comfortable as possible. Head back to the truck if she is bored or cold. Take some hot chocolate and snacks along to occupy time when the activity is slow. Teach her as much about track identification and animals habits as possible.

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Oh ya, and Johnboys idea about the heater is a good one...+1 Johnboy! thats from experience, i can tell...

Yeah, I pretty much ruined my wife with a chilly afternoon about 12 years ago. She kept asking what time the deer came out, and I kept saying "about 4.45". Finally at 5 she looked at her watch and said "WELL WHERE THE H!@# ARE THEY!!!" Like they were on a schedule or something.

I think I took her one more time when she was pregnant ten years ago. She dont like to hunt, and frankly, I enjoy some time away from her. :taped: ;)

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Take her to a blind. When I got my wife into hunting we really were not able to get out together because of the kids. I sent her when conditions were favorable for her to see good deer movement. Also sent her out when the weather was good. First time she witnessed a buck chasing a couple does around her stand she was hooked for good. That was the 2003 ml season, will never forget her expression and excitement as she told her story when she walked in the door.

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Well, my wife could care less for it and my girls love it. My advice is twofold.

1) Take her somewhere she can see the most wildlife to keep her interested, not necessarily the place you want to hunt to see a buck.

2) Get a heater to carry with you to make sure she dont freeze.

Perfect advice above!

I know this for a fact above all things keep her WARM. You dont have to even see a deer but if she gets "Froze-Out" she may never return to the woods with you...ever.

Alot of us have forgotten what we learned early in our hunting life about what to wear and even how much of it to wear to keep us warm. We do alot of that by second nature anymore. It's one of the first things we should think about when it comes to taking anyone into the woods with us as our geust.

Always have a second option to what your primary plan is. In your case the treestand sounds like thats your starting point. If that is not working out do a little walk-a-bout to keep your geusts body generating heat. You could also build a few ground blinds from natural brush. Doing that builds heat and gives your partner some place to get out of the direct wind too.

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Don't over do it. Plan for a 3-4 hour hunt. As William said take her to a blind, but if you already purchased a 2-man stand you may not want to now. The whole safety harness issue can create added expense but a MUST when you introduce someone to stand hunting.

If a heater is not practical get those hand warmers that can be activated and placed in a boot that is a little big. Tight boots = cold feet.

Walk slow and don't wear her out.

Don't be harsh if she screws up (falls, makes noise, etc...)

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Take her to a blind. When I got my wife into hunting we really were not able to get out together because of the kids. I sent her when conditions were favorable for her to see good deer movement. Also sent her out when the weather was good. First time she witnessed a buck chasing a couple does around her stand she was hooked for good. That was the 2003 ml season, will never forget her expression and excitement as she told her story when she walked in the door.

Great advice right there. Get a Blind!!! I take my kids deer hunting all the time and it would never happen without a blind. It keeps them warm and out of the wind. Plus it hides all of the fidgiting! Wrap her in a sleeping bag, throw a bag off corn out in front of you and have her enjoy the show.

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Keep the lines of communication open and don't take the hunt as a trophy one. Woman like to talk.

Explain what's going on and what is not.

Talk, talk, talk... just keep it to a wisper. No gal I know wants to sit in the woods alone with her man and not talk about something.

Explain everything, point things out, look at the sky together, get muddy on the way out. Just make it fun as you would if you were off to the movies and dinner.

Consider it a cheap date and make the best of it!:) You'll both have a ball.

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My name is Kris and I am taking my girlfriend Amber deer hunting this fall and would like any information, tips, suggestions or anything I can do to make the hunt more fun for her. She has been turkey hunting twice now unsuccessfully but this will be her first time ever deer hunting. For Christmas She got a set of heavy bibs and a hunting Jacket. I have gotten us a 2 person ladder stand with a blind on it. But what do you all recommend as ways to make the trip better.

Thank you very much

Kris Kline

Put her on the deer... Like Dan said, let nature take its course.

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My fiance said she wants to hunt with me as well so I took her for a drive around the block looking for deer...There were a couple close to the road and I slow down and stop...In point 2 seconds she starts talking to the deer and telling it to come closer...."here sweetie come here.....come here...hi girl.....your so pretty..." etc....

My next hunting accessory...

a muzzle.........

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When I take my wife with me, I keep my hunts pretty short. 3 hours max. She doesn't like for me to kill anything while she is there, but we have an agreement that if a shooter buck presents itself, then I will take the shot. She has been right there with my as I've cleaned deer and has had no problem, but for some reason she just doesn't want to see one die.

I also try to take her once in the the rut action has picked up so we have more action. Even I get bored in the early season when the action is slow, so I know she would too.

Above all, keep her comfortable. Keeping them warm and dry is probably the most important. Good luck.

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My wife has been with me on several different hunts. She only carried a rifle one time and really enjoyed it. Her problem is that if it gets below 70 degrees, she freezes. Hard to hunt that way!

She has been with me when I have shot several critters and it never bother her. She is also great at helping gut and skin!

We had some great times together in the woods!

I agree with the one statement, "Enjoy the outdoors! The kill is just an added bonus!"

Good luck!

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I broke my wife in right,when she started going with me she had never been hunting before.She wanted to go deer hunting so she started going with me,I bought a two person ladder stand for us to use and a ground blind.Since then she has hunted out of the stand about 4 or 5 times in as many years,she prefers the blind.I have had her out in ice storms,pouring rains,blizzards and extreme heat,she keeps comeing back for more.She takes a backpack with drinks,food and other things to pass the time and also takes a blanket so she can take a nap on those slow mornings.I got lucky becaus I love haveing her in the woods with me,she can help pack gear,just kidding.I thought I had ruined her one time when I took her turkey hunting while she was pregnant and we had to climb some big hills but she made it through.I suggest getting her a blind and at first its about her getting the feel for it and not getting bored.ggod luck.

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OK. what I have done and have learned so far

1. Warm - She has HEAVY insulated bibs and jacket set (Christmas gift), heavy gloves an she is buying her self a set of 1800g insulated boots and insulated socks. Also I have lots of hot hands I will take for her to keep on her....and me to keep here warm ;)

2. Hunt where the animals are - We average 10 to 15 deer in shooting range in the location we are hunting but she knows hunting isn't like shopping and says she will put in her time.

3. Blind vs. Stand - She has been in a ground blind (turkey hunting) and is REALLY looking forward to hunting out of OUR new ladder stand.

4. Kill vs. Watch - She grew up on a farm with family that hunts but never took her, they raise animals for slaughter and she has been raised and understands that animals are here for us to consume and is SUPER excited about killing her first deer....maybe even a little more excited than me.

5. Hunt Time - Our hunting land is just over and hour from our home and she is OK with a full hunting day (we go to town for lunch and take a few breaks)

6. Take the Camera - THAT IS AN AMAZING IDEA, I'm packing it for sure, so if she don't want to shoot first she can video for sure or I can video her.


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