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Interesting question.

No doubt there are a lot of very upset people over this, and for good reason. How upset they might be is hard to speculate. I am not happy with any of this, pretty frustrated with this admin and the elected officials who are supposed to be representing the people who put them in office. I don't think 74 percent of the population are going to just roll over and let this go, but I don't know that that means civil war in terms of what we think of as our American civil war.

My guess there would be a whole lot of angry people demanding action from their reps, which would likely lead to some of those reps getting tossed out of their positions. When 74 percent of the population are against this there would not be much resistance/hostility in the way of citizens against citizens. Last I heard only like 18 percent of the population supported this healthcare plan, does not take a genius to see the odds are not in favor of those supporting the plan. Conflict if any would more likely be government against citizens which is pretty darned scary.

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It might take a few years for the full effects of this legislation to be felt, but once it is, those who supported it will feel the full wrath of the voters. It will be 1994 all over again.

What will cause a revolution will be further attempts by the government, particularly liberals/democrats in the government, to stifle the voices of their opposition. For a revolution to be successful, there will need to be a lot of participation from current and former elected officials, presumably conservatives, and it would be most effective if there were some conservative democrats (I know, they're few and far between) that would stand up with us.

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If it passed right now it would be 2013 before it would be implemented. 2010 there will be a huge swing in the house and senate and Obama's ineptness as a leader should give him another 3 1/2 years in office. President Beck will shut it down before it goes into affect.:)

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I'm glad to see that a lot of people are opposing this national health care at these town hall meetings.I've never been so concerned about our country and the direction it is heading.If they pass this we can only hope and pray that it would be political suicide for the democrats and the Obama administration.

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Usually armed civil rebellion will happen only after the government ignores the people and uses some force against them. Like what was happening when they enlisted the help of the union goons from SEIU. That sort of thing stopped abruptly and now they are using gentler tactics. I guess they remembered we have guns. This isn't Iran.

The shelves in our local supermarkets are getting leaner all the time and the next round of ARM mortgages are coming due soon so things should get even more interesting.


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