UPDATED ThermaCELL giveaway winners


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Just thought everyone would like to see the latest WINNERS list ... HOT from my email ..

Dear ThermaCELL August Appliance A Day Giveaway Contestant:

Thank you for participating in our giveaway. Below is the latest list of winners. Also listed are the top contenders for the Nikon Rangefinder prize. Remember, in order to win this prize, you must have the highest number of recommended friends who enter the contest themselves. To reenter the giveaway, go to thermacellpromotion.com/register/index.


August 1: Dan Wolff, IA

August 2: Gary Poole, KY

August 3: Richard Phillips, MI

August 4: Vern Kisamore, PA

August 5: Anthony Zhuckkahosee, NV

August 6: Jake Fagan, GA

August 7: William Cluff, NY

August 8: Bill Funk, PA

August 9: Elizabeth White

August 10: Robert Schwartz

August 11: Cody Spencer

Top Contenders for the Nikon Rangefinder

Scott Friebe

Dan Wolff

Calvin Blakely

George Lang III

Maureen Busby

Dan Eshelman

Hannah Beck

Mitch Adams

Best Regards,

ThermaCELL Mosquito Repellent

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