REAL close encounter with a moose.


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Hi everyone, I have been gone for a long while and I'm trying to get back into the hunting community. Anyway, has the video of the guy bow hunting from the ground only to have a moose walk right up to him and sniff the tip of his arrow been on here? I don't want to try to dig it up if you have all seen it a million times already. It is really nerve wracking footage though. It is also no better testiment to being a scent control freak.

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Thanks 92xj, that is the video I was talking about. It is something you have to see to believe. I bet if this guy did not have someone videotaping that and he had that encounter and told his friends they would say, "You're full of BULL!" and he would say, "No, actually it was a COW and my pants were full of...!!" LOL!!

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