Mock Scrapes


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I know very little about these besides from the obviouse, it mocks a I have heard people talk about them and they say they can be pretty dang effective but my questions are. What time of year do you start doing this, Where do you put to your stands? and do you use any lure in the mock scrape like deer urine or anything?

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I personally have not had much success using them. But my buddy swears by them. He starts his usually in late september by using just regular doe/buck urine. Then swithes to doe estrus right before the rut kicks in, when the rut is in full swing he leaves them alone and after the rut he goes back to the estrus for the rest of the season. He places his in scrape lines like real bucks between feeding and bedding areas and he sets up his climber on the ones that are getting hit the most.

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Okay, I have a ladder stand set in some oaks and I believe the deer use this loggin road next to where I'm set up to get from their cedar thicket bedding area to here to gorge on acorns. So I may set one up on the loggin road. Would some tinx 69 lure work, at the moments that all I have and a few scent bomb things, but I guess I could go get some deer urine if need be.

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I have used them with some success. I started making mine about mid October. I bought a scrape dripper thing that you put buck pee in, and hang it on a limb above the scrape. It drips the pee into the scrape periodically throughout the day as if a buck is freshening it. Then when the rut is almost ready to start i put some doe estrous pee in them. I set my a trail camera on one of my mock scrapes last year and got pics of a couple bucks coming to it and working it.

Here is a pic of the scrape dripper. You can get them at Walmart.

When making a mock scrape be sure to wear rubber boots and rubber gloves to eliminate as much human scent around the mock scrape as possible.


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Scrape drippers do indeed work fairly well. Usually use active scrape in the mock scrapes we make. I don't start using mock scrapes here until about the middle of October. Mock scrapes will most often get taken over by bucks. Use tinks 69 or other does scents as it gets closer to the rut to juice up those mock scrapes.

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I have never used them or created them - only because I have heard so much research that bucks visit them 80-90% of the time at night.

I usually set up (when possible) 50 yards downwind of a real scrape - in the afternoons that is when a buck might scent-check a scrape. So far - haven't seen a single buck check a scrape during the day - not while hunting anyway.

I saw one huge 10 pointer 30 yards from the road working a scrape one time but that was on IL Forest Preserve land.

I salivated and took a bunch of pics.

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I use them not with incredible luck but i have had them work if nothing else a buck cruising buy will stop and smell them long enough for a shot. Make sure you are completely scent free ideally find a limb abt 4 feet off the ground that in naturally there if not you can tie one or nail a small tree to a larger one. If you choose the nail method make the tree at least a week before you make the scrape as to avoid a buck smelling you and not the scrape. Basically clear a small roughle 3 foot area all in one direction as a deer would try to avoid hard or rocky ground i have never had a scrape take that was on rough ground. Then use your scrape scent of choice personally all i use to get them started is BF synthetics I use the pre rut and the forehead gland apply as directed every few days. Then switch to Rut in the rut. I have also had deer respond well to Bob kirscheners silver top but only close to the rut. You can try a dripper if you dont want to enter your area often i personally have never used one. REMEBER to bo scent free when you go to make or freshen your scrape. I use my boot sprayed w scent eliminator but i know many people that swear by a shovel saying your boot leaves to much scent even rubber boots. good luck!

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  • 1 year later...

I'm a serious muzzleloader hunter and am looking forward to my opening day being 11/5/2011. I have a few question about mock scrapes. I'm going to my land the first weekend of October and plan on making a few mock scrapes. I'm going to be installing scent dripper's over each scrape with buck urine in them. I also intend on using orbital gland scent on a licking branch drippers are supposed to work for roughly 3 weeks. I intend on getting back to my land the day before muzzleloader season starts, and either install doe in estrus or active scrape scent in the dripper's. Does this sound like a good plan? How could I improve my plan? Where do I get the orbital gland scent?


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