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Got a bit of a problem and I am hoping someone can give me some ideas on how to fix it. I am in an online class, and the blackboard site for the class has given me trouble the last couple days. I can view everything fine, but when I go to the discussion board and try to reply, quote, or start a new thread, the page either shuts down my browser, or takes me back to the main page for the course. I have updated java and adobe reader and flash player, which is what the tutorial for the site says they use, but it still does it. I have tried Firefox (which they recommend), IE 8, which they say does not work with the site, but up until yesterday I have used it for months with no problems at all. I have also tried Safari (for windows) which they also recommend. The only way I could get on there and reply, quote or start a thread, was to either use my phone to post, or use another computer and use AOL, but again, on that computer, when I tried it with just IE and not the AOL software, it messed up again. Any ideas?? I emailed the helpdesk for the school, but I won't hear anything until tomorrow at the earliest.:hammer1:

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I second that...????

I used blackboard for four years and swore I would never think about it again. I hate it!! There always seemed to be a compatibility issue when you need to get on it.

From what you're describing, my best guess would be either that or your internet security settings (popup blocker, firewall, etc). Try bumping the security settings down a little in IE 8. Make sure you didn't download any new software that may cause interference. Other than that my best advice would be wait for the help desk.

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Thanks guys, I got it figured out. before I just opened up adobe reader and clicked on update. But I took Leo's advice and tried each browser. I opened Firefox, and went to adobe's site but for some reason it wouldn't let me update, or download. So I went to Safari and did it there. After it was installed through Safari, blackboard ran fine on all three browsers. Thanks again.

BTW, I don't normally run three browsers, I usually just have firefox and IE, but use IE mostly. I just downloaded Safari to try it with that site for school since it is one of the recommended browsers.:)

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