Snake Gun

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When I was young a guy came by needing some money, and I gave him 30 bucks for a .410 bolt action. I sawed the barrel off to 6 inches and made a pistol grip out of the stock thinking I had the ultimate snake gun.

It wouldnt kill squat past 5 steps.

I killed a cottonmouth 3 days ago with a .22, shot him twice and both shots were lethal. Not sure what you got in mind, but that's really all you need.

Pop's got one of those .22's that disassembles and fits inside the stock. It floats and is made for taking on the river. Problem is, most places we go fishing, you pull the trigger and just wait to see what kinda trouble you get into!

Edited by redkneck
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What is a good snake gun ???

Any gun that kills them dead!!!

The judge is awesome, I just had a friend pick one up the other day, they're a little pricey though for a snake gun, but darn convenient to carry in the woods. It's really hard to beat that 12 ga. if you just want it dead, but the downfall is lugging it around. I have shotshells loaded up for my .44, .357 and .22 pistols. I carry the glock 23 with target ammo when i want to play some.

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+1 for the Judge, .22's are nice but at the range you are going to be busting snakes a .410 shot shell is the best option, and if you got the cash i think they make it in titanium.

they do make it in titanium, our store had the Ti one for about 40 or 50 bucks more than the regular one. You can also get them in barrels longer than 3" i believe as well as a 2 inch barrel. They also come in 2 1/2 inch chamber or 3". I would go with the judge for snakes. Been considering one myself but i really dont run into that many snakes. If you are looking for something cheap just get a .22 but make sure you get a revolver. The shotshells wont cycle through a semi-auto.

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It's not very swift to use a highpower rifle or big shotgun on a snake, unless you absolutely have to...


Every snake I shoot is done so with a 12ga at close range with #8, so why is that not very swift? It's better than using my .22, esp since my dog has been bit twice by copperheads AFTER I shot them with it

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  • 2 weeks later...

The .45 auto shotshells are snake busters, but they generally will not cycle the gun...same thing for the 9mm...

I have found the .38 shotshells to be very effective as well...

My youngest brother panicked a bit a few years ago, when confronting a rattlesnake in the yard...he had just got in from work, raced for his pistol (right past the 12 gauge), and grabbed the magazine with the 15 rounds of Cor-Bon 115 grain +P HPs instead of the snake shot...

The snake struck at him as he approached...13 rounds later, with 10 hits, the snake was dead...

I still tease him about it...

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