Cool Street names.


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So obviously all of you on here are really into hunting, fishing or just the great outdoors in general. I was just wondering if any of you just coincidentally also happen to live on a street that has a name that reflects our passion. Something like Whitetail Trail, or Hunter Lane. I often see roads with cool names like that when I am driving aroung and I think it would be cool to have an address that is something like Antler Ave, or Big Oak Circle. My street is called Terrace Drive...BORING... But I do live in the Birchwood Hills sub division, so that is kind of cool.

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I live on CR 155, also known as Taylor Creek Rd. The area I live in is popularly known as Devil's backbone.

Devil's Backbone

CR 155 winds over undulating gravel deposits; the sacred burial grounds of the Glacial Karme people and a legendary cache of gold.

According to an old timer, the legendary cache of gold was buried near a landmark not to far from my house and was never found... I've found the landmark and might just have to start digging... :D

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Guest TennesseeTurkey

I live on Ground Hog Hollow Rd....... Ive seen a lot of stupid street names with my job and the best one so far is **** (heck) for Certain Road....

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