Couple good okie bucks...


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I positioned my camera on a mock scrape I made 3 years ago and now it has become an annual area for scraping. I actually think it has turned into a community scrape. I also dumped a little corn around to see if I could hold in that area for better pics. Boy did it work. Here are just a few of 80 pics i got in one week.

Here are a couple younger bucks. The bigger buck is working the scrape:


A really nice 9 pointer--he has a forked G2 of the left side. Definetely a shooter in my book!


Another great buck. A healthy 10 pointer with a busted tip on the end of his right beam.


I thought this was a cool pic. Two bucks, a doe, and a crow flying into the camera.


Another cool pic---I think I'll take the buck!



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Re: Couple good okie bucks...

Todd, I'm impressed!! Those are some awesome pictures and some awesome deer!! I like these pics better than the ones on the plots.....really sweet!!

So is this on your land?? Looks like the deer frequent the area regularly!! Why ain't you got one yet? smirk.gif

I am amazed......really sweet pics. Should have a couple 'Popers' next year!! Keep the pics coming!!!!

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