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My girlfriend wants to hunt deer with me this year.She is a little recoil shy hence the reason I am trying to figure out a caliber in deer range 25 or bigger for her to shoot that might work with manageable recoil. I have a few encores but they either have 22/250 or 300 win mag or bigger barrels on them. Any suggestions on caliber?

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Lot of deer have fallen to the .243 and .25-06, those two would be my first choices/considerations for a recoil shy shooter. My wife and daughter both hunt deer with .243's, the wife has not had a deer leave the field, and both deer my daughter has killed with the .243 have not gone at all far.

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Many, many good ideas here.

Cartidge doesn't matter nearly as much as fit.

Deer don't die because it's a "super-dooper magnum impact"... they simply die from being hit CORRECTLY.

Marlin is making a XS7 with is chambered in 243,308, and 7mm08.

Ruger makes youth rifles in the MKII Hawkeye.

Remington makes the 700 and Model 7 models that will fit youth and most women.

For a first hunting rifle, Most Savages fit GREAT, and are pretty accurate, and don't cost the farm.

I bought a Marling XL7 in 2506 a while back... The XS7 is just the short action flavor.... and from what I've experinced, they are MOA rifles... and for under 400, fully built up.

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She loves my 22/250 encore it fits her perfect. I was thinking of maybe a 270 barrel on it. She shoots my 300 wsm model 7 that weighs in at 6.1 pounds with a scope. She actually shoots it great i thought maybe a 308 or even a 300 win with some reduced hand loads. Aww Heck there is so many choices.

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I thought maybe the 308 would help her I can load to really light levels for her and its cheap factory ammo.

My 11 year old son and 15 year old daughter both shoot Waetherby Vanguard Compacts in .308. I load a 150 gr. Winchester Power Point bullets about 3 gr. of IMR-3031 under max. It's still around .300 Savage power level, shoots pretty darned flat, doesn't kick much and flat out slams whitetails.

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Sorry.. but you can't guarantee

You can kill a deer with a slingshot if you do it right.

The caliber simply is not as much of an issue is the feel, fit and handling..

If they can't shoot because of the weapon not fitting them, or their inability, caliber matters ziltch.

Now, I will give you this... too high of a recoiling round WILL make a bad shooter IF they are not used to it.... but that simply goes back to common sense.

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  • 2 weeks later...
223. I have never had a deer go more than 15 yards after a shot. When shooting ear plugs and muffs then when game time comes there is little to no recoil/flinch. You can get up to 77 gr loads now from mail order.

Many folks will tell you the 223 won't effectively kill a deer. Last year I took my daughters 223 out because it was light and I was going pretty far back into the woods. To make a long story short, I dropped a 130lb doe in about 20 yards. I had a complete pass-through and her insides were like soup.

You can't get lighter recoil. Heck your 22-250 would be even better. Just put a heave soft pointed bullet in it.

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