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Sure there are plenty to choose from that will work for you, but you will have to work up your loads to best fit you, nice thing about ml'ers.

My wife and oldest daughter both shoot my tc black diamond without any issues at all. Oldest daughter was shooting that gun at age 8 with a downcharged powder load. With 120 grains of pyro I don't think there is as much recoil with the ml as what there is with my .270.

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The "kick" can be controlled for any ML. Just powder down.

I read that buffalo used to be shot with just 70 grains of powder by the US Cavalry. That's what I charge my Remington Genesis with for my 8 year old daughter. Hopefully she'll connect on her first deer this October.

My Remington Genesis cost me 199.99 last Christmas at Cabela's. It's SS with a RT camo stock.

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Hey Fly-

That "70" grains of black powder is the charge and part of the name in the venerable .45-70 blackpowder cartridge. They knocked over tons of buffs on the priarie with that load. An unfortunate deal, but proof the round and charge can be lethal. I use a 70 grain charge in my Hawken, and kill deer dead with a patched round ball.


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T.C. with the flex tec stuff in the stock dont kick much at's in a bunch of different ones. I have a Pro hunter and I use 100g/2 pellets of 777, 200g shock wave bullet and have shot 2 does at 190yds at 1 buck at 140....several others up close....I have had my 9 year old girl cuz shoot it and it's no big thing.


Edited by MichiganHunter
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