Photos of my Father's Day Gift.


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The woods behind our house turn all gold and yellow in the fall. I wanted an Autumn Blaze Maple to get some bright red and orange color back there to mix things up a little. Here are some photos of what my sweetie and 8 year old daughted had done for me for Father's Day to make my dream come true. I will enjoy this gift for many many years...I hope.











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Deer are safe in those woods...

Those woods right off the back of my deck is loaded with mature bucks. It is a usual sight to see 120 to 160 class bucks in there all the time. Unfortunately for me, but lucky for them, it is a wildlife preserve that is not opened to hunting. You can hike back there and photograph and shoot all you long as it is with a camera LOL!!

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So close yet so far...

No, My north lot line is the end of the city limits so I can not shoot them in my yard even though they are in the back yard all the time. The field to the north of me is not in the city, but no hunting is allowed there even though the deer are tearing up the soybeans in there now. It's a lot of fun to watch them, but frustrating as well.

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