White People are going to riot


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"Dem white folk aint' goona take it no mo!"


In all reality, its good to hear this from another black man, and especially one with his credentials...

Man does he ever rip Obama a new one with his derogatory comments...WOW!!!

I can sit here and say that i would have to agree with him. I dont agree with his predictions that white people are going to riot, but i do agree that white people aren't going to sit back and just take it....

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"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness......"

All I'll say is, it happened once and it's getting time it happens again...................

I don't think it's "white" people that are getting tired, but ALL people that don't believe in BIG government, ALL people that want to live in a safe country where they can pursue their dreams without being taxed to death and watching idly by as BILLIONS are given to Wall Street while the everyday worker suffers from the corruption at those levels.

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"Dem white folk aint' goona take it no mo!"


In all reality, its good to hear this from another black man, and especially one with his credentials...

Man does he ever rip Obama a new one with his derogatory comments...WOW!!!

I can sit here and say that i would have to agree with him. I dont agree with his predictions that white people are going to riot, but i do agree that white people aren't going to sit back and just take it....

Was close to being on the fence on deleting this due to it being so redundant and almost to a point of hysterical ranting. While I do agree with some of what the man says, I think the nature of some of what he had to say was rather destructive and unfounded. Bringing those type of inaccuracies into a rant really does not help you much when it comes to credibility and believability. The man is entitled his opinion and his right to give it, just too bad he was not more focused with a factually based and supported direction and too bad he went off on some of those tangents.

I also do not agree that white people are going to riot, I do however think the time is drawing closer that a lot of citizens of this country of all races are beyond the point of frustration with where the government is heading.

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I also do not agree that white people are going to riot, I do however think the time is drawing closer that a lot of citizens of this country of all races are beyond the point of frustration with where the government is heading.

+1. I am not going to riot. I don't agree with what is going on, but a riot isn't going to fix anything, and I don't want to go steal stuff that I didn't earn or pay for. If any nancies of any color riot and come to my door thinking they are going to get free stuff out of my house and jeopardize my family's safety, THEN it is going to sound like a riot at my house, and said nancies are in grave peril.

Other than that, I will exercise my first amendment rights to speak up and speak out, I will contact my non-representing representatives and tell them my thoughts, and will use my vote how I see best to get the country where I want to be. Why? Because I am an American, and that's the way we do things. Veiled threats are crap.


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I agree with it. If a roit or what has happend it the past happens I'll be there and I'll do it. I also know way to many people who as well.

There always comes a time when bad things no one wants to think about happening are near and it could nearer than we think. If it is so be it if not ok I'll wait. The goverment isn't what it should be if words and talking can't fix it then well what should people do?

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Was close to being on the fence on deleting this due to it being so redundant and almost to a point of hysterical ranting. While I do agree with some of what the man says, I think the nature of some of what he had to say was rather destructive and unfounded. Bringing those type of inaccuracies into a rant really does not help you much when it comes to credibility and believability. The man is entitled his opinion and his right to give it, just too bad he was not more focused with a factually based and supported direction and too bad he went off on some of those tangents.

I also do not agree that white people are going to riot, I do however think the time is drawing closer that a lot of citizens of this country of all races are beyond the point of frustration with where the government is heading.

Very well put...agreed.

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I really believe we are going to find out exactly where the citizens of this country are in the 2010 elections. Are the majority of Americans really fed up? Are they going to eviscerate the strangle hold the liberals have in the Senate and Congress? At their state levels? I think we're going to find out. 2010 results will be the real barometer.

Riots ultimately would accomplish nothing. Something the liberals have learned time and time again. It's coming out and voting. That's were it matters and they finally figured that out in 2006 and 2008.

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OMG....................I can't believe I actually heard this man say this. I bet that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are so mad right now that they can't even function hearing this..

AMEN, AMEN, and AMEN................Preach on brother, Preach on. I'm so happy to finally see an African American stand up and try to tell everyone that this country is going to pot.

Edited by hutchies
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