Hope & Change


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Here is something I wrote one night when I couldn't sleep because my mind was racing with thoughts about the direction this country is headed.

Hope and Change, Hope and Change we heard those words from Mr.Obama countless times during his campaign for President. Yes I deliberately called him Mr.Obama not President Obama because so far he has done nothing Presidential in terms of acting like a man who actually loves this Great Country and has the best interest of its wonderful citizens in mind when making policy decisions. My only HOPE is that Mr.Obama stops trying to CHANGE The United States of America into the Socialist Nation of Obama, Pelosi, Obey and Reed. Yes, there has been a lot of HOPE and CHANGE going on since Mr.Obama took office. Mr.Obama and his friends in the liberal media HOPE you don’t pay attention to what he and his cronies are doing in Washington. They HOPE you don’t notice his radical CHANGE in policies cloaked under the thin guise of being an “economic stimulus package.” They HOPE all the great citizens of this Country remain complacent and do not stand up in protest to fight for the principles that were established by our founding fathers. This Administration is doing everything they can to CHANGE everything that makes America great. They HOPE their accomplices in the mainstream media can keep the American public misinformed and ignorant long enough for them to impose their extreme left wing socialist agenda, at least until it is too late to undo all the damage they have done.

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