How do you measure your distance?


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Like most others, I always just made some long strides and paced off the distances to my pattern targets. I always wanted to get a Laser Rangefinder for Bowhunting, and think it'll be the cat's PJ's to get accurate readings when measuring the distances to your targets when sighing in your turkey gun. Just curious, who uses a Laser rangerfinder to measure their distances? Here a link showing the rangefinder that I would like to get!! wink.gif

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Re: How do you measure your distance?

I used to use my stride. It's about 40". But now I use a laser rangefinder. I got a Bushnell Yardage Pro Trophy. Got it on eBay for around $30 less than anywhere else. It's the cat's meow for bowhunting, target placement, etc. It's limit is around 500 yards on your average object.

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Re: How do you measure your distance?

I'm not talking about using one when a gobbler is actually comming in, Bigblue. I'm talking about getting an accurate distance reading when patterning your gun, instead of pacing off the distance.

Also, it would be great to have with you in the woods to take readings after you set-up so you'll know when he steps inside of the range your gun patterns best at!! wink.gif

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Re: How do you measure your distance?

I use steps when patterning so that in the woods you have the same distance. If you use a range finder to pattern your gun and steps when in the woods, you may guess him closer by steps than he actually is.

What i go by is I set my decoy 20 steps from my setup so I know how far the gobbler is when he is around my decoys. If I use a range fider to pattern my gun and I'm about 4 yards off at 20 steps then I may be 8-10 yards of at 30 steps and 8 yards could be the differance from carrying him to the truck and sitting there wondering how I missed.

Just my 2 cents!!!!

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