What would you do?


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Please give this some serious thought before you answer. I really don't know how I would react if this situation ever really happened. Here is the scenario. When if this administration passed sweeping and immediate legislation that made it illegal for anyone other than a member of the armed services or someone actively employed in law enforcement to own any type of gun. AND part of that legislation was that anyone who owns any gun will have it immediately confiscated. Then a report was run on every gun owner that has a registered firearm and two law enforcement officers would visit your house and say we have a record you own gun A and gun B and bgun C. hand them over right now or we are taking you into jail where you will sit untill such wepons are surrendered to the proper authorities. Seriously and in all honesty how would you handle that situation? It is a real tough delima, you could lose your job, have criminal record etc... It's a tough thing to think about and I really don't knbow for sure what I would do. Do any of you?

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If they made it a law, there's nothing the lay person can do. Give em up or go to jail? That's not even a decision to be made. I would donate money and/or make my voice heard wherever possible before the cops showed up to pick my guns up. I certainly wouldn't argue with the officers that came to get them. They didn't make the decision to take my guns. They're following orders and would be doing what it takes to keep their jobs, which is exactly what I would be doing by giving my firearms up.

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Hoping it never comes down to that and I do not believe that local law enforcement officers would ever be sent for such. If such a thing were to ever go down, I would be inclined to think it would more likely be military trained personnel. Unfortunately I would have to fall back on what I would call plan b, which I cannot discuss openly.

With that said, in the event those folks at my doorstep were looking for my guns I guess I would opt to let them in to search my house for guns registered to my name.

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I feel like a wimp...

I pride myself in being a man of principle, but I feel like such a loser when it comes to this question, because deep down I know if this ever happened I would just hand over my guns and figure it is not worth messing up everything I have worked so hard for. My family and my home need me to provide for them and I greatly respect those in law enforcement so I would fully cooperate with them. That being said I feel like I would be choosing to do that which is the easy way out instead of standing up for principles. I guess when it comes down to it my guns do not mean so much to me that I am willing to give up my comfortable life over them. But that makes me wonder, how many other freedomes or rights would I be willing to give up without a fight. Am I a coward?

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read our constitution. we are required to protect ourselves from enemies forign or domestic. the second ammendment is not a suggestion. we live or die as a country by our constitution. no president or administration is powerful enough to take that away from me. i'll fight, thank you.

remember, the anti gun liberals don't have weapons to fight with, and our army would never turn on american citizens.

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Now I'm confused

stevebeilgard says this could never happen, I hope he is right. OJR seems to think we are moving in that direction, I fear the same but hope we are not. Short of being an NRA member and supporting their cause, what else can someone do? It just seems like lately our elected officials do not listen to the people anymore. I guess what I am saying is I hope I get the easy way out and never have to be faced with that tough scenario. Actually, if it ever does go down that way we all will most likely have many other much bigger things to worry about, because they will probably be rounding us all up and hauling us away for safe keeping because if they don't trust us with our guns, they probably don't trust us to be roaming around free.

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They wouldnt get them. I like what Charlton Heston said about it.

You said it man!!

They aint gettin' mine the easy way.

And as for the police 'just doing there job'...I would hope that most of the officers would realize what a crock that law is and not follow through on it....If my employer ever told me to do something that I believed was THAT wrong, Id tell them where to stick it!!

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I pride myself in being a man of principle, but I feel like such a loser when it comes to this question, because deep down I know if this ever happened I would just hand over my guns and figure it is not worth messing up everything I have worked so hard for. My family and my home need me to provide for them and I greatly respect those in law enforcement so I would fully cooperate with them. That being said I feel like I would be choosing to do that which is the easy way out instead of standing up for principles. I guess when it comes down to it my guns do not mean so much to me that I am willing to give up my comfortable life over them. But that makes me wonder, how many other freedomes or rights would I be willing to give up without a fight. Am I a coward?

We have seen this topic here before.

You have to look at what is in the best interest of your family. Don't necessarily think that makes you a coward. Be discrete, think it out. Personally I would not risk the lives of my family in the event any such incidence ever occurred where armed trained officers were standing at my door, but I would be proactive in knowing what was taking place and be prepared. As I said before, they could come in my home and look if it came down to it, just not into being a part of potentially getting into a firefight I likely have no chance to win and in the process risking my kids being hurt or worse.

Don't think it likely if ever such a thing were to go down that it would be your local small town police that would be enforcing it either.

stevebeilgard says this could never happen, I hope he is right. OJR seems to think we are moving in that direction, I fear the same but hope we are not. Short of being an NRA member and supporting their cause, what else can someone do? It just seems like lately our elected officials do not listen to the people anymore. I guess what I am saying is I hope I get the easy way out and never have to be faced with that tough scenario. Actually, if it ever does go down that way we all will most likely have many other much bigger things to worry about, because they will probably be rounding us all up and hauling us away for safe keeping because if they don't trust us with our guns, they probably don't trust us to be roaming around free.

Again, think out and have a plan. Citizens of this country at this point in time are very well armed and civilians far outnumber military and police, the liberals know that. They do seem to be attempting to at the very least limit what citizens are allowed to own and to some that may appear to be a step in the direction that concerns you.

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read our constitution. we are required to protect ourselves from enemies forign or domestic. the second ammendment is not a suggestion. we live or die as a country by our constitution. no president or administration is powerful enough to take that away from me. i'll fight, thank you.

remember, the anti gun liberals don't have weapons to fight with, and our army would never turn on american citizens.


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There comes a point in time where one has to draw a hard line. That point appears to be fast approaching. Our way of life is under siege and giving ground to protect your family opens the door to a future that may well not be worth living. No government entity will ever take my firearms without the use of force, and everyone in my family, who can, will stand beside me in a show of deadly force to protect our constitutional rights.

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This reply comes from a full-time, sworn law enforcement officer, who has been in this business for 23 years.

I have considered this scenario, from all sides, for many years.

I can tell you for certain that VERY FEW small-town officers would obey such an order. Most officers in larger departments would also refuse. However, in large cities, there would be enough officers who would go along with such $4!T, that they could make a showing.

Then, when a few were killed by citizens who refused to give up their guns, martial law would be declared and the military would be called in.

Speaking for myself, I promise you all that I would NEVER take part in such a action. I would not immediately refuse, as it would be highly unlikely that I or any other officers who refused would be allowed to leave after doing so. They would be locked up immediately, to keep them from using their training to organize resistance.

So, I would accept the order and pretend to start, but would immediately leave to go home and protect my family and property, and my, and YOUR, constitutional rights, as I took an oath to do.

I have told each of my "Brothers behind the Badge" that if that day ever comes, I hope that they are not the ones sent to my home. And that if they are, to kiss their wives, pack a lunch and make sure their insurance is paid up. And they know that I am deathly serious.

As long as I can stand and draw breath, neither my guns, nor my neighbors guns will be taken.

I think that a majority of police officers and military personnel feel the same.

Personally, I think that a lot of us will see that day. I think it will occur in less than five years.

I sincerely hope that I am wrong.

You should all make your plans, and be prepared, in case I am not.

Edited by wing_0_nut
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There comes a point in time where one has to draw a hard line. That point appears to be fast approaching. Our way of life is under siege and giving ground to protect your family opens the door to a future that may well not be worth living. No government entity will ever take my firearms without the use of force, and everyone in my family, who can, will stand beside me in a show of deadly force to protect our constitutional rights.

Raises a question, say you get into a firefight and in the process you are the only one in your family left surviving. You take out those officers, but your wife and kid/kids are killed by bullets from those folks coming after your guns, could you really live with yourself? I couldn't.

Be smart and live to fight another day.

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"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness......"

As a former law enforcement officer I would have to say that most officers would not follow any such law as it is a direct conflict with the Bill of Rights.

I've thought about this situation before and I would just let those officers know that if they so choose, on their own accord, to follow through on a blatant unconstitutional law it's going to be a fight and some or all of them won't return .......

If that ever did happen, to heck with waiting around for that knock on the door, I'm going after the politicians. I might as well accomplish something useful before I get shot (again).

Totally Agreed!

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If it came down to that situation you would be foolish to wait until they came to your house. They would practice and be good at what they did. You would have to fight them and pick battles you could win, whether it was politcal or otherwise. In the late 1980's New Jersey made it a crime to own assault weapons and banned them. They gave a grace period to turn them in. Only about 100 did. They let it die. The same would probably happen now. No cop I know wants to go door to door. Soldiers niether. Don't worry about it.


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If it came down to that situation you would be foolish to wait until they came to your house.......You would have to fight them and pick battles you could win......[Mark

Agree with picking battles, when you can. But my home is MY HOME. It will NOT be invaded without the invader paying a very high cost, whether that intruder is a common street thug, or the uncommon type of thug that seems to inhabit the higher-rent areas in and around Washington, D.C., or simply a minion sent by those highly-paid, elected thugs.

No cop I know wants to go door to door. Soldiers niether.

You don't know them all. There WILL be some officers who will obey the order. It has already happened. Remember New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina???

Don't worry about it.


You'd BETTER worry about it. Or at least KNOW that it is coming, and be prepared for it.

I have guns, ammo, gear, food and books stashed away in multiple places other than my home. Call me paranoid if you wish; if need be, we can disappear for quite a while.

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