If someone gave you $1,000.00


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With the condition that you have to use it to buy hunting, fishing or outdoor equipment with it or give it back what would you buy. I would buy 2 Cuddieback Capture cameras ($400.00) and an enclosed elevated hunting blind $6.00.00) POOF! there goes my money, how about yours?

Id right a check to church first off..then pay some bills

That breaks the rules, you would have to give the money back.

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It seems there isn't anybody on this thread who realizes what $1,000,000.00 could buy!

Think about people!

I sure did add too many 0000000000000's!

Still don't need the $1,000.00 for hunting gear! I guess I could buy some goodies at Cabela's for some clothes or cooking gear!

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O.K. Does it actually have to be "hunting equipment", or can it be something that will enhance your hunting opportunities?

If it's the latter, I'd write out 10 x post-dated cheques for $100 each to cover Saturdays and Sundays for 5 weekeneds in October/November and give 'em to the bride with the explicit instructions to go shopping.

That way I figure I'd get at least 5 weekends of hassle-free hunting in that year.

Ya I know, $100 won't go that far and my credit card will liklely take a major hit to boot, but what the heck! Did you not read what I wrote, "5 WEEKENDS OF HASSLE-FREE HUNTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!".


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